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New York Canvassing

Posted on September 24, 2018

Sign up for rideshare canvasses, and discuss ridesharing/carpooling on the online discussion board.

Looking for other canvassing events, and organizing your own transportation? Sign up on MobilizeAmerica for:

NY-19 Canvasses

See campaign office page for restaurants, hotels, and activities near each campaign office.

Field Organizer Jason Sutherland reports that as of 9/2018, NY-19 uses the MiniVan canvassing app.

NY-22 Canvasses

MobilizeAmerica canvasses near NY-22 offices

MobilizeAmerica NY-22 canvasses may also be available under zip codes 13323, 13304, 13340, 13346, 13365, 13413, 13440, 13501, 13733, and 13815

More Information about Canvassing

Organize Your Own Canvassing Trip

New York Action Guide | More About Antonio Delgado and NY-19 | More About Anthony Brindisi and NY-22 | NY-19 OfficesNY-22 Offices | Phone Banking | Canvassing | About Canvassing | Training | Travel | Fundraising | Other Resources| SLBG Web