
Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Swing Blue Alliance Frontline Update


Join us for our monthly 30-minute Frontline Update We've crafted a focused agenda covering key priorities and top campaigns to keep you aligned with our mission. Dive in for a high-level overview of where we’re heading and the impactful initiatives driving us forward. Stay afterward for Q&A and discussions. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE FOR THE […]

ACT NOW: Make Calls to Protect Democracy in NC with Down Home and Carolina Federation


As Jefferson Griffin attempts to silence over 60,000 voters because he lost the election for State Supreme Court to Justice Allison Riggs, North Carolinians are hosting public rallies and demonstrations to make it clear: It’s the People vs. Griffin’s attempt to undermine the fabric of our democracy. We're demanding that the courts do the right […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

ACT NOW: Make Calls to Protect Democracy in NC with Down Home and Carolina Federation


As Jefferson Griffin attempts to silence over 60,000 voters because he lost the election for State Supreme Court to Justice Allison Riggs, North Carolinians are hosting public rallies and demonstrations to make it clear: It’s the People vs. Griffin’s attempt to undermine the fabric of our democracy. We're demanding that the courts do the right […]

Looking Into the Future: Featuring Robert Hubbell, Today’s Edition


It’s a new year, and time to prepare for the challenges ahead. We can think of no better person to kick off Airlift’s final Frontlines event than Robert Hubbell, stalwart defender of all we’ve been fighting for and the creator of Today’s Edition Newsletter. Hubbell knows that by any measure, investing in grassroots organizations continues […]

Truth Brigade BIG TRUTHS: 2025 KICKOFF


Disinformation poisons minds and prevents our society from moving forward to protect the people and the planet. Join us the second Wednesday of each month to learn where we are most vulnerable, and how we can heal disinformation-driven divisions and fears through persuasive communication. Leave each call inspired, clear-headed and focused on taking meaningful action. […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

ACT NOW: Make Calls to Protect Democracy in NC with Down Home and Carolina Federation


As Jefferson Griffin attempts to silence over 60,000 voters because he lost the election for State Supreme Court to Justice Allison Riggs, North Carolinians are hosting public rallies and demonstrations to make it clear: It’s the People vs. Griffin’s attempt to undermine the fabric of our democracy. We're demanding that the courts do the right […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

ACT NOW: Make Calls to Protect Democracy in NC with Down Home and Carolina Federation


As Jefferson Griffin attempts to silence over 60,000 voters because he lost the election for State Supreme Court to Justice Allison Riggs, North Carolinians are hosting public rallies and demonstrations to make it clear: It’s the People vs. Griffin’s attempt to undermine the fabric of our democracy. We're demanding that the courts do the right […]

Introduction to Social Media for Activists


Join Swing Blue Alliance volunteers to learn about how to use social media for political action: to counter disinformation and promote democracy and progressive policies. This is a three-part training; you may sign up for one, two, or all three. We recommend you attend all three if you are new to social media. At the […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

BROOKLINE, MA – Concert and sing along with musicians Ed Loechler and friends

Brookline, MA Brookline, MA

Raise your voice in joyful resistance at United Parish Church where we will have music, food and a gathering for young and old (and some surprises).  Song has long been a part of resistance movements and we need the hope and energy that comes from joining our individual voices together in something larger than anyone […]

Organizing Hub Phone Banking to Wisconsin


Organizing Hub is hosted by the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s Campaign Services Committee and open to people anywhere who want to volunteer with us to support Democratic campaigns and issues! We are currently partnering with the Wisconsin Democratic Party to call Wisconsin voters in support of Judge Susan Crawford, candidate for State Supreme Court in the […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Virginia Blue Victory War Room: Stop Trump Edition


Zoom Link available in Event Calendars and Confirmation Emails Follow This Week's Priority Links: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Join Virginia Blue Victory War Room for a discussion of what is next for democrats as we plan to fight back […]

LEXINGTON, MA – Indivisible LAB Action Hour

Lexington, MA

Join us for our Winter Action Hours which will be held at an indoor location in Lexington near Route 2. As usual, we will discuss current events and actions you can take to strengthen our democracy. Feel free to come and share anything you are working on - we all learn from each other! Please RSVP to […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

Swing Left Grassroots Leaders Calls


Sign up here to join Swing Left’s monthly Grassroots Leaders Calls. Each month, we’ll share national updates from Swing Left on our programs and tools, offer a training or presentation from Swing Left or a partner on subjects critical to groups, and organize a skillshare from grassroots leaders. These meetings are closed to the press […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

All In for NC: Meet North Carolina Leaders of the New Communications Programs


Progressives and Democrats generally agree that we are behind the curve in understanding and using cutting edge communications tools to reach and cultivate voters. Mastery and use of these tools is required to build trusting relationships and educate them about the issues and candidates. In the past few years, we have seen the emergence of […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

31st Street Blue Media Fundraiser to Counter Right Wing Propaganda


We are supporting CHORUS and BETTER INTERNET INITIATIVE. They both support Social Media "Influencers" who provide effective pro-democracy content across the eco-system. Co-Sponsored by Swing Blue Alliance! Join us! PLEASE SIGN UP HERE FOR THE EVENT

Working Families Party Mass Calls


Donald Trump will be returning to the White House in 2025. It's up to us to build the movement that will fight for each other over the next four years. Join with members of progressive organizations as we move to “Make Meaning of the Moment,” lay out concrete actions people can take this week, and […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

Organizing Hub Phone Banking to Wisconsin


Organizing Hub is hosted by the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s Campaign Services Committee and open to people anywhere who want to volunteer with us to support Democratic campaigns and issues! We are currently partnering with the Wisconsin Democratic Party to call Wisconsin voters in support of Judge Susan Crawford, candidate for State Supreme Court in the […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

BROOKLINE, MA – Forum on Immigration: What can you do?

Brookline, MA Brookline, MA

Many of us are wondering what we, as ordinary people, can do to help protect our immigrant neighbors. We’ll be posing that question to immigrant advocates from 3 major organizations: MIRA, JALSA, and UU Mass Action. Please spread the word to friends, your faith communities, and other networks. This is our defining moment, and we […]

Virginia Blue Victory War Room: Stop Trump Edition


Zoom Link available in Event Calendars and Confirmation Emails Follow This Week's Priority Links: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Join Virginia Blue Victory War Room for a discussion of what is next for democrats as we plan to fight back […]

LEXINGTON, MA – Indivisible LAB Action Hour

Lexington, MA

Join us for our Winter Action Hours which will be held at an indoor location in Lexington near Route 2. As usual, we will discuss current events and actions you can take to strengthen our democracy. Feel free to come and share anything you are working on - we all learn from each other! Please RSVP to […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Postcards and Letter writing to voters


Together, we have the power to inspire voters and create real change—one vote at a time. Join us to learn about our impactful postcard and letter-writing program, designed to boost voter turnout in critical, high-stakes elections across the nation. No supplies are needed—just bring your passion! During this session, we’ll guide you through the process […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

Swing Blue Alliance Frontline Update


Join us for our monthly 30-minute Frontline Update We've crafted a focused agenda covering key priorities and top campaigns to keep you aligned with our mission. Dive in for a high-level overview of where we’re heading and the impactful initiatives driving us forward. Stay afterward for Q&A and discussions. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE FOR THE […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

Organizing Hub Phone Banking to Wisconsin


Organizing Hub is hosted by the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s Campaign Services Committee and open to people anywhere who want to volunteer with us to support Democratic campaigns and issues! We are currently partnering with the Wisconsin Democratic Party to call Wisconsin voters in support of Judge Susan Crawford, candidate for State Supreme Court in the […]

Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

LEXINGTON, MA – Indivisible LAB Action Hour

Lexington, MA

Join us for our Winter Action Hours which will be held at an indoor location in Lexington near Route 2. As usual, we will discuss current events and actions you can take to strengthen our democracy. Feel free to come and share anything you are working on - we all learn from each other! Please RSVP to […]

Recruit Poll Observers to Save Democracy in Wisconsin with Swing Blue Alliance!


The State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin is the most important election of 2025. On April 1st, Judge Susan Crawford will face Scott Walker’s former Attorney General to fill an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It is critical to protect the 4-3 pro-democracy majority we helped achieve in 2023 when Wisconsinites elected liberal […]

Phonebank for Susan Crawford for WI Supreme Court!


While the fascists & billionaires want us to think that they're so all powerful that we should just give up and go home - we see through the curtain of their bravado and choose, instead, to stay engaged and fight to win! Or, in this case, call to win! More specifically, we're calling voters in […]

Swing Left Grassroots Leaders Calls


Sign up here to join Swing Left’s monthly Grassroots Leaders Calls. Each month, we’ll share national updates from Swing Left on our programs and tools, offer a training or presentation from Swing Left or a partner on subjects critical to groups, and organize a skillshare from grassroots leaders. These meetings are closed to the press […]

Event Series SBA Tech Team Office Hour

SBA Tech Team Office Hour


SBA values your commitment to activism. We want to make sure you get the assistance that you need so you can focus on becoming an effective activist. Technology can certainly be a hurdle for many. The Swing Blue Alliance Tech Team is here to help. We will be on standby to provide one-on-one assistance and […]

To submit an event to the calendar, email