Register voters in Philadelphia

Support the most effective campaign of the 2024 election. Registering voters early is the most important thing you can do to help get Democrats elected. Sign up for a trip in Philadelphia. 

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Events and Activities

Register voters
Learn about our trips to register voters out of state
Call voters
Join a virtual phone bank to call Democrats in swing states
Meet the team
Sign up for our 30-minute, monthly volunteer meeting
Send letters
Learn how you can organize and support mail programs
Support us
Donate to support Swing Blue Alliance programs
Register students
Find Pennsylvania students at campus welcome week

Training and Networking

Scheduled training and discussion groups sessions to facilitate peer learning for activists and group leaders.

Seek knowledge

Support Swing Blue

Fuel our programs, research, infrastructure, teams, and campaigns by donating to Swing Blue Alliance.


Postcard Organizer Center

Whether you’re an experienced host or new to organizing, our one-stop Organizer Center covers everything you need to empower your groups to make a difference. Learn how to get involved with our latest campaigns, check out our training materials, connect with fellow hosts, browse impact-focused research reports, and more!

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