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September 3 2022 Newsletter

Posted on September 5, 2022
Massachusetts' best resource for keeping the House and the Senate and turning purple states Blue.
Swing Blue Alliance Logo

Volunteers Taking Back Democracy

September 3, 2022

Issue #211

In This Issue

● Save the date  ●  Why the midterms matter  ●  Make sure NH goes blue  ●  Satisfy volunteers' appetites  
●  Write mail to voters  ●  Phone chats pay off 
●  Biden's most important speech 

●  The Learning Corner: Mobilize, Deep Canvassing, and Running Better Meetings

●  Partners' Events: counter lies and advocate for progress; get involved in evidence-based texting program

Meet NH Reps Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster at the 
Swing Blue Alliance All Volunteer Roundup and Fundraiser

on Sun, Sep 18 @ 4:30 - 5:30 pm EDT!


Donate directly to the candidates here.


You busted your butt in 2020 to get Biden into the White House. Even now, he struggles without enough backing from Congress. If you want to protect and advance the Democratic agenda, the local elections in the November midterms are just as important.


Without your support for swing state candidates, Dems might lose their slim majority in the Senate and some or all of their control of the House of Representatives. This would halt all Biden initiatives.

Civil rights

Are you upset by how Republican state governments are gutting voter protection and civil rights laws? Let your outrage fuel your support for state-level candidates who will fight back in these swing states.

Get out the vote

Voter turnout is key to Democratic wins. (Why else would Republicans fight so hard for gerrymandering and election restrictions?) Convince voters to go to the polls for the person who governs their town or county; they’ll vote right up the ballot for the Dems who control their states and the country.

This is not the time to sit on the sidelines with fingers crossed. This is the time to take an hour or two a week to protect our country.

Read on to find the canvassing, organizing, postcarding, or phonebanking actions you want to take.

Here’s the geographically closest opportunity you have to protect Democratic seats in the US Senate and House. Come knock on doors to identify people who will vote for Senator Maggie Hassan and Representatives Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster.

It's easier than you think!

  • We’re knocking on doors of registered Democrats.
  • You can accompany an experienced canvasser to learn the ropes.
  • You can even be the navigator and driver until you get the hang of it.
  • The Deep Canvassing class (described in the training section below) will arm you with techniques that make it easy and satisfying to talk with voters.

Sat, Sep 10 @ 10 am - 1 pm

Not free next weekend? The link lists upcoming dates on both Saturdays and Sundays through the election.


We have postcard writers chomping at the bit to write for candidates. However, we still need organizers to distribute the postcards and letters! 

To make it easier for you to board the organizer wagon…

  • We have revamped the eStore website. Now it’s a piece of cake to choose a state, order postcards, and get clear directions.

  • We have set up new ways to match you up with writers. That means less worry about ordering too many postcards.

  • The Mobilize for Organizers class (described in the training section below) shows you how little it takes to find writers and manage your events.

  • Experienced SBA volunteers are eager to help in any way you need.

Take the reins! 

Read how Alan Brownstein and Tracy Waltman and Reena Freeman are meeting volunteers' hunger for postcards and letters.

Looking for an postcards or letters you can write to swing state voters?
ick a date and location to pick up your materials. 

Can’t find what you need on the calendar?

Get matched with an organizer near you. 

The Volunteers TBD Calling Corps is reaching out to supporters of candidates in swing states ... and they are making great connections. 

Regular phonebanker Jack Barry wrote of his most recent session: "I contacted very motivated volunteers and was able to enroll them in four shifts of canvassing/phonebanks, including a Spanish-speaking volunteer for a regular Spanish phonebank in Hazleton.

"The hit rate was astronomically high and the overall results impressive. There can be no doubt that the strong appeal of a candidate like NC's Matt Cartwright is very much responsible for much of this success."

Talk to experienced volunteers in NC, NH, and PA

who are ready to help turn their states blue.

Find the best phonebank to fit your interests and schedule.

"President Biden gave what I believe to be the most important speech of his presidency," writes Ezra Levin, Co-Executive Director of Indivisible National. "And none of the broadcast networks carried the speech." 

Listen to  or read a transcript of

Biden's game-changing address.

Learning Corner

The Mobilize website gives you a one-stop dashboard to recruit participants and manage all aspects of organizing an event. Attend the Mobilize for Organizers class and learn how to:

  • Create/edit event listings
  • Add photos or graphics
  • View signups and add attendees
  • Email attendees 
  • Export registration and attendee information
  • Promote and prioritize events

Tue, Sep 6 @ 7:30 pm EDT

Whether you are talking in person or on the phone, you are more effective when you listen, bring in personal experiences, and connect. At Deep Canvassing, you will learn – and get a chance to practice -- how to quickly develop relationships with others.

Wed, Sep 7 @ 5 - 6:30 pm EDT

Find out at How to Run a Better Meeting, which will help you improve internal communication, strengthen your group, and build morale. In the session, you will learn how to achieve the four principles of a good meeting: 

  • Functionality & effectiveness
  • Transparency
  • Discipline
  • Accountability

Thu, Sep 8 @ 5 pm EDT

Our Partners' Events

Attend Words That W!N training on strategic messaging and cutting-edge, progressive messaging frameworks.

Thu, Sep 8 @ 7 - 8:30 pm EDT

In North Carolina, ballots are hitting mailboxes on September 8, and in many battleground states mail-in voting begins just two weeks later! That means there's no time like NOW to get active.

Learn how you can have a major impact NOW to help increase participation of Democratic voters in the key races. At the meeting, you'll hear from both groups about evidence-based programs that produce additional new votes at exceptionally low cost.

Register and receveive a Zoom link before the meeting.

Wed, Sep 7 @ 8 pm EDT

Our Mission

Swing Blue Alliance (formerly Swing Left Greater Boston) is the largest all-volunteer Democratic grassroots organization headquartered in Massachusetts. We use proven methods to protect our Democracy, work on competitive local and national elections, and strengthen the Democratic party at the grassroots level.

Your contribution will help fund the operations of this volunteer-produced newsletter, which goes out to over 15K subscribers.

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