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November 4, 2023 Newsletter

Posted on November 4, 2023
Swing Blue Alliance Logo

Volunteers Taking Back Democracy

November 4, 2023

Issue #251

In This Issue

● Let's Win in VA on Nov. 7

● Canvass for Clint Jenkins

● Make Calls With Impact in NC

 ● What's Next? November Frontline Update

● Volunteer Spotlight: Canvassing in the Rural Heartland

Let's Win This!

Keep Virginia Blue

The legislative election in Virginia is 3 days away. So far for Virginia, Swing Blue Alliance volunteers have:

  • Raised $43,182 for 9 candidates and the Center for Common Ground
  • Talked to 1282 potential volunteers for rural candidates
  • Talked to 1189 voters and identified 795 supporters for Clint Jenkins
  • Sent 67,387 postcards for Clint Jenkins and rural candidates
  • Knocked on thousands of doors for Clint Jenkins and down ballot candidates, with a goal of 5,000 by election day

You can have maximum impact NOW: The most effective phone banks are those right before election day. Join Swing Blue volunteers to get out the vote for State Senate candidate Clint Jenkins and also for State House candidates. 

Mon, Nov 6 @ 5 - 7 pm EST

Calling all VA Canvassers

Canvass in Virginia

Click on the photo above to see joyful pictures of some of the 16 Swing Blue canvassing volunteers and their local VA canvassing team. 

If you're in the DC/Northern VA area this weekend, it's not too late to join them, knocking on doors in Clint Jenkins' district on Sunday Nov. 5.

North Carolina Needs You

Make Calls With Impact in NC

The races for Mayor and Commissioner in Huntersville, NC may seem like a low profile election, but that's exactly why your help can make a big difference.  

Huntersville is in Mecklenburg County, where registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans, but Republicans have had much higher voter turnout. You can help turn that around!

These calls will not just get out the vote for Nov 7. By talking with Mecklenburg County voters, you will help build the foundation for winning in 2024.

Sun, Nov 5 @ 6 - 8 pm EST

November Frontline Update

What's Next? Find Out on Nov. 19

As Republicans double down on chaos and extremism, we believe that the survival of democracy depends on focus and targeted efforts that rise above all the noise. 

2024 will be noisy. It will be frightening. But we agree with Joan Baez, that "Action is the antidote to despair." In 2023, we came together to fight in Wisconsin and Ohio, and we won. 

So as you set your clocks back tonight, remember that you CAN keep Republicans from setting the country back to the dark ages. Join us on Nov. 19 to participate in plans for 2024. We have ideas, and we have been building relationships with grassroots groups in several crucial states, but we want to hear from you too. 

Sun, Nov 19 @ 5 - 5:30 pm EST

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight:

Monte Allen Reports from the Heartland

Can Democrats find common ground with voters in the heartland of Trump support? Volunteer Monte Allen spent 10 days this past summer in rural Langlade County, WI, knocking on doors to talk about shared values.

Read Swing Blue volunteer Brent Whelen's inspiring interview with Monte, to learn more about canvassing in rural America.

Our Mission

Swing Blue Alliance (formerly Swing Left Greater Boston) is the largest all-volunteer Democratic grassroots organization headquartered in Massachusetts. We use proven methods to protect our Democracy, work on competitive local and national elections, and strengthen the Democratic party at the grassroots level.

Your contribution will help fund the operations of this volunteer-produced newsletter, which goes out to over 15K subscribers.

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