Project 2025 Resouces
July 27, 2024 Newsletter
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Frontline Update: A Historic Moment and Our Path Forward

Posted on July 26, 2024

First off, I want to recognize that a lot has happened in the past week! We witnessed a rare moment when President Biden withdrew from the Presidential race and endorsed Vice President Harris. The Swing Blue Alliance leadership team wrote a great letter to our volunteers this week, noting how his act reminded them of George Washington’s decision to relinquish power for the benefit of our country. This truly is a historic and selfless act that is so rare in political history. It showcases not only deep patriotism but also the innate decency and true character of our president.

We will be forever grateful to President Biden for his leadership and historic accomplishments. He led us out of COVID, strengthened our economy, and reestablished confidence in America’s leadership. Now, he has given us this gift of momentum, energy, and enthusiasm to change this election cycle for the better!

Swing Blue Alliance volunteers have never been so integral to the success of the Democratic Party as we are at this moment. Every door we knock, every phone call we make, every letter we write, every dollar we donate can be a step towards a brighter future.

Get Involved with Swing Blue Alliance
We have numerous opportunities for you to get involved:

Activist Afternoons in Cambridge and Activist Evenings in Brookline: Join us twice a month for in-person activities with your peers.

Volunteer Orientation: If you’re new to Swing Blue, we have many orientation options over the next month. You’ll learn about our mission, goals, and the ways you can get involved.

Our Campaign with Working America
We’re excited to update you on our campaign with Working America, a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO with over 4 million members. We are mailing up to 700,000 hand-addressed non-partisan letters with personalized and meaningful stories from volunteers. This is a persuasion campaign with multiple steps:

Creating Healthcare Hooks: Our letters underscore the importance of voting for candidates committed to easier access to health care, creating a cognitive hook in the minds of 700,000 Pennsylvania voters.

Follow-Up: Working America follows up closer to Election Day to inform voters about candidates who support healthcare policy and helps get out the vote.

GOTV Support: We will remind members of the candidates to support on Election Day.

So far, we’ve sent more than 143,000 letters, but we still have a long way to go. We’re looking for volunteers to help us break 200K letters and mailing organizers to purchase a package of 300 letters.

Updates from Arizona
Patti O’Neil, Chair of the Maricopa County Democratic Party, shared her vision of how we will elect Kamala Harris, send Ruben Gallego to the Senate, and flip one of the two congressional districts. Maricopa County holds significant power, with 8 of the 9 Congressional Districts partially or entirely within its boundaries.

Investing in Maricopa can have a profound impact locally and nationally. We can secure Democratic wins for years to come if we flip the Board of Supervisors, the group that certifies our elections. Additionally, our GOTV efforts will include phone banking, targeted digital ads, and delivering voter guides to increase turnout by 3% in key districts.

Phone Banking Campaigns
Jeff Lobo, phone banking co-lead for Swing Blue Alliance, provided a deep dive into our phone banking campaigns. Since January, we’ve talked to voters in New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, and North Carolina. Here are some key points:

325 Volunteers: Completed nearly 1200 calling shifts.
10,000+ Conversations: With voters through calls, voicemails, and texts.
750 Local Democrats: Interested in volunteering.

We need your help to recruit volunteers in NC and NY, flip a PA House seat from MAGA to Democrat, and activate your fellow SBA volunteers. Join us as a caller or phone bank host to make a difference.

Canvassing in Philadelphia
Susan Labandibar, co-lead of Swing Blue Alliance, introduced our summer canvassing opportunities in Philadelphia. The single most effective way to help Democrats win in November is to knock on doors and talk to potential voters in swing states. We’ve rented a house in Philadelphia, and we encourage you to join us for this crucial effort.

For those new to canvassing, we offer excellent training sessions covering the basics and deep canvassing techniques.

Join us and make a difference in this critical election cycle. Check out the new Trips Webpage for all your options and decide to GO – to talk to voters in Swing States.

Together, we can secure a brighter future and uphold the values we believe in. Let’s make history!