Canvassing and Registration Trips

Meet voters where they are – in the swing states

The most effective method to get voters to vote is talking in person, face-to-face. If you’re able to travel to a swing state to connect with voters and potential voters, the time is NOW!

This election will be won or lost as a direct result of what ordinary people do between now and Election Day.

What are we doing NOW?

  • Registering voters
  • Deep canvassing
  • Canvassing with Democratic Committees, candidates, and grassroots groups like Indivisible

The serious problems we’re addressing

Every month, Republicans continue to close the gap between Democratic voter registrations and Republican voter registrations.  In Pennsylvania alone, they are now out-registering Dems in all 67 counties.

In heavily Democratic low-turnout neighborhoods, voters – unregistered or not – are not Trump supporters.  But neither do they support President Biden. Given the economic challenges, political divisions and misinformation voters experience at this moment,  it is unrealistic to expect enthusiasm for the political process amongst the voters we talk to.  “With Black voters, young voters, we see a lot of upside potential for the president in the polls,” says Biden pollster Geoff Garin. “But we’re realistic about the time and effort it will take to realize that potential.”

To register Democratic voters who might not register and encourage voters who might not vote, we can exchange personal stories with voters. Most people will not remember what we tell them, but they will remember what they said.  And studies show that these experiences can affect people’s choices months later.

In our three Montgomery County, PA trips in May, we’ve increased Democratic voter registration by 2.5% – and we’ve discovered the canvassing method that works for registering Democratic voters! 

The most effective method to get voters to vote is talking in person, face-to-face. If you’re able to travel to a swing state to connect with voters and potential voters, the time is NOW!

Sign up for a trip

What to Expect on a Trip 

We want all our trip participants to feel as though they made a great choice in investing their time, energy and resources in a Swing Blue Alliance trip. We want to use volunteers effectively to move the needle toward a Democratic win this Fall. And we want to have some fun together, too!

What Swing Blue Alliance will do:

  1. Partner with on-the-ground resources so that our efforts yield maximum results
  2. Make the sign-up process easy by describing the trip clearly: when it is, where we’re going, and what we’re doing
  3. Share participants’ info (for those who have agreed to have their info shared) among the participants.  Assist with shared housing where possible. Swing Blue has its own AirBNB in Philadelphia.
  4. Provide opportunities for training via Zoom and again before going out for the day’s activities
  5. Check in to ask you about your experience after the trip and get your feedback and suggestions

What you will do:

  1. Read the trip listings closely, and thoughtfully consider trips in light of your abilities and preferences
  2. Contact the leader with questions
  3. Look out for your team members and help out where you can

Canvassing 101 – We cover canvassing basics including the script, the MiniVAN app, terminology and canvassing tips. We’ll also help you register on Mobilize and pair you up with an experienced canvasser.

Deep canvassing – A Deep Canvassing conversation gets voters talking about personal experiences and draws on emotional connections. It’s research-based, and has been found to be a highly effective persuasion technique.

Explore Trips

Knock to Flip Winnable NY 19 Blue
Valatie, New York (Hudson Valley, just over the MA border)

Join us to canvass for Josh Riley and flip this winnable congressional seat. Josh Riley lost by 4,500 votes in 2022, but we can win this time with your help! He’s in one of the most competitive congressional races in the country and critical to re-taking the House.

Knock Doors to Flip North Carolina Blue
Charlotte, North Carolina 

Join us to canvas for the Biden campaign in North Carolina. Biden lost the state by only 75,000 votes in 2020. All In for North Carolina is helping out of state voters connect with canvassing opportunities in Mecklenburg County, home of Charlotte. 

Knock Every Door with the Montgomery Dems
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Montgomery County is the third largest source of Democratic votes in PA. Together with local Dems and the Montgomery County Democratic Committee (MCDC), we’re canvassing in Montgomery Country to register voters using the MCDC’s list. You can register directly for a trip through the links below.

Swing Blue’s Philly House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia is the largest source of Democratic votes in PA.  Swing Blue Alliance is organizing teams of 6-8 rotating volunteers to will live and work from a large townhouse centrally located in Philadelphia. You’ll use proven strategies to register new Democratic voters and connect with those disengaged from the political process.

College Voter Registration during Welcome Week
Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania

Where do you find young unregistered voters all in one place at the same time?  Welcome Week at college campuses! Swing Blue Alliance is partnering with a group that is already well recognized on PA campuses as ambassadors of civic engagement and voter registration to register 10-12,000 students during Welcome Weeks.

Canvassing in Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona

Arizona is a key battleground state with several crucial races that could have a significant impact on the outcome of the Presidential race and the control of both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate.Join us canvassing with other Swing Blue Alliance volunteers this fall.

Training and Education

Ready to Go? Sign Up