June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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Susan Collins: Protect Our Elections!

Posted on September 19, 2019

Hold Susan Collins accountable with us — the time is NOW to make election security a reality in 2020. The Senate has until Oct 1 (beginning of new fiscal year) to pass a crucial election security funding bill that the House has already passed.

In 2016, Russia targeted voting systems in all 50 states and used social media to spread disinformation and disunity among the electorate. Without a paper trail, our voting system is extremely vulnerable to hacking and foul play. In 2018, 14 states used voting equipment that had no way of verifying vote counts in the event of a cyberattack. In response, the House recently passed HR 2722, which would allocate $600 million to states so that they can update electronic voting equipment with systems that use verifiable paper ballots – the best protection against cyberattacks attempting to change the outcome of our elections.

On Monday, September 23, at 5:30 pm, Swing Left Maine and Mainers for Accountable Leadership are co-hosting a gathering to ask Senator Collins to fund election security before the October 1st Appropriations Committee deadline. Tell her we want this funded in time to go into effect for 2020 elections! Marie Follayttar, Executive Director of Mainers for Responsible Leadership, will be speaking. We’d like at least 40 people to attend to show Susan Collins what a big deal this is.

Please let us know you are coming by RSVPing to the event here.