June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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The Strategy for the Next Ten Years Depends on What We Accomplish Now

Posted on June 12, 2021

On June 24th, Swing Left announced its 10-year plan to move from resistance to persistence and help Democrats build long-term political power. The plan will likely resemble EveryDistrict’s 20-year plan published earlier this year.

The plan, “The 2040 Project: Democrats, Democracy and Power over the Next 20 Years,” identifies three basic problems that Democrats must overcome:

  1. Democrats are concentrated in populous states
  2. Republicans have more opportunities to gerrymander
  3. Our electoral system is under attack 

Although this is a long-term plan, the authors make it very clear that, unless we beat back voter suppression, fight gerrymandering and advance a pro-Democrat narrative in 2021, we will lose our House majority in 2022.

Be a Part of the 3.5%!

If we can engage enough people in our movement, we will win, says Erica Chenowith, a professor of public policy at Harvard.  Erica’s research has uncovered a “3.5% rule” of non-violent civic engagement. Between 1900-2006, all nonviolent civil resistance campaigns that achieved an active participation of around 3.5% of the population succeeded.

June 26th RALLY: S1 For the People Act = Freedom to Vote!

 On June 26th, we will stand in solidarity with the Black Voters Matter Freedom Ride for Voting Rights Bus Tour and other groups across the country to demand that our Senators take urgent action. Join us in Boston or Springfield so we can pass the For the People Act and free the vote across the nation. Signup to participate here: http://bit.ly/S1-Rally