June 11, 2018 Newsletter
SLGB Event: Writing Letters with Working America
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Maximize the SLGB Community

Posted on November 21, 2020

You can leverage LinkedIn to promote Swing Left Greater Boston, build your own network, and support the other volunteers you’ve come to know and appreciate throughout this election. Start at the SLGB LinkedIn page.

Strengthen connections: Many of us have formed strong relationships with other volunteers during the past year(s). You can expand the power of those connections by adding SLGB experience to your LinkedIn profile. Go to your profile and click Add Profile Section. Select Volunteer Experience and click Add to Profile. Under Volunteer Experiences, click +. Fill out the form and click Save.

Join the SLGB LinkedIn group. Go to the SLGB LinkedIn group page and click Request to Join to become a member.

Endorse people you’ve worked with: Once you’ve connected to the other person, open their profile and scroll to the endorsement section. Click the + beside the skill you’d like to endorse. Fill out the form.

Write a recommendation (especially valuable for interns and other SLGBers looking for jobs): Find the person’s profile and click Connect. Once you have a 1st-degree connection with the person you’d like to recommend, click More and select Recommend. Fill in the form, click Next, write your recommendation, and click Send.