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Swing Left Arizona Weekends of Action

Posted on February 10, 2020

super state arizona 2020 blue wave 2020

Arizona is a must-win state for Democrats. In 2020, Democrats have the best chance of winning Arizona’s 11 electoral votes than any Democrat since 1996.

Because the demographics in Arizona are changing fast, this could be Democrats’ strongest opportunity to take back the state (including the Arizona State Legislature) for the first time in a generation. We need your help to do it!

Learn more about Swing Left’s Arizona weekends of action here.

Make it a #DemocracyHoliday and consider some #vacaycanvassing. Learn more at Swing Left Greater Boston’s Arizona 2020 page www.swingbluealliance.org/2020-arizona (see resources: trip planner).

Find other Super State trip planners here.