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Take Action in Gerrymandered Wisconsin before the April 2 Election

Posted on March 19, 2019


Wisconsin law specifies that any candidate who loses an election by less than 1% may request a recount. As of April 3, it appears there will be a recount. Click here to read Judge Lisa Neubauer’s full statement.

Judge Lisa Neubauer’s campaign needs all hands on deck to support a recount. Click here to contribute or volunteer.

While turnout in this race is up by 18% compared to last year’s Judicial Election, in which progressive Rebecca Dallet won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court with 56% support, it appears that turnout was significantly higher in large conservative counties, compared to the two biggest Democratic strongholds,

Turnout in key conservative counties compared to 2018 Judicial Election

  • Waukesha County: +30%
  • Washington County: +31%

Turnout in key progressive counties compared to 2018 Judicial Election

  • Milwaukee County: +15%
  • Dane County: +14%

Why the Wisconsin Election is So Important

This year, the Wisconsin Supreme Court is going to vote on redistricting the state more fairly. The only way to block continued Republican gerrymandering is to elect Appeals Chief Judge Lisa Neubauer. If Neubauer loses, the conservatives will have a 5-2 majority on the Supreme Court.

If Brian Hagedorn is elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 2nd, the conservative majority will help ensure that Wisconsin remains gerrymandered for years to come. Consider contracting friends and family in Wisconsin,  encourage them to turn out for the upcoming Judicial Election April 2.

Customize and send this letter to your friends and family in Wisconsin:

Sample Letter

Dear [your friend in Wisconsin],

I’ve pledged to vote in every election because I don’t want others to make choices for me.

There’s an extremely important election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Tuesday, April 2, 2019.
Will you please join me as a voter and cast your ballot on 4/2?

I’m not asking you to vote for a particular candidate, only to be a voter, so our representatives are
accountable to all of us.

Your friend,

[your name]

Other Ways to Take Action

National Call Night Sunday March 31 4-8 pm