June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Voting without Viruses - the Dems' Secret Weapon to Win Florida in 2020
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Win Wisconsin- Defeat Trump 1/29 at 1pm

Posted on March 19, 2020

In 2016 Trump won Wisconsin by only 29,000 votes.  Wisconsin Democrats turned it around in 2018, electing a full slate of Democrats in virtually all of the competitive races! Wisconsin is a key battleground state and leaders in the Republican Party believe that whoever wins Wisconsin will win the election.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party’s very grassroots Neighbor to Neighbor campaign is creating local teams to organize their friends and neighbors.  250 teams have been created to date and more funds are needed to organize teams throughout Wisconsin for a Democratic victory!

We will feature an activist leader and expert on Wisconsin politics who has been studying the transformation of Wisconsin from a “laboratory for democracy” to a state flooded with dark money and an administration that is anti-union, anti-democratic, pursuing racist policies and eliminating programs and services for families. That started to turn around in 2018 and activists are determined to ride that wave back to a progressive state.

With the challenges posed by coronavirus, we must keep our activism robust! Please put this on your calendar now.  JOIN US ONLINE. More details to come.