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Voting without Viruses – the Dems’ Secret Weapon to Win Florida in 2020

Posted on March 19, 2020

Democrats have very narrowly lost in the last two statewide elections, so a big effort in Florida in 2020 could be the clincher. 

Tune on Sunday, March 22 at 7pm to learn more about our strategy to boost turnout and swing Florida by registering Dems to vote by mail. Mike Coleman, chair of Florida Dems 2020 campaign committee, will share his successful strategy along with updates on voter turnout in the Florida Presidential primaries. Peter Grey will present the research he’s done for SLGB, and when you hear his findings you’ll want to get involved with this critical program.

A virtual postcard party is a way for you to support the Florida Democratic Party’s campaign to encourage inconsistent Dem voters to sign up for Vote by Mail.

You’ll personalize and address postcards to likely Democrats, telling them how to request a Vote by Mail ballot. This makes it easier, safer, and more convenient for them to exercise their right to vote.

Join us Sunday, March 22 at 7 pm to find out how. Register for the webinar now: https://www.mobilize.us/swingleft/event/263714/

To sign up to host a virtual postcard party, you can sign up here.