June 11, 2018 Newsletter
The Leaders Bulletin #9
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Turn PA Blue Needs

Posted on March 4, 2020

I know many of us are eager to work on Vote by Mail in PA. Plans are moving along–yay! If you are interested in learning more about how you can help, please join PA Dems’ Voter Protection Director, Kay Yu, for an online training on Pennsylvania’s new voting laws and how to utilize them. You can sign up HERE.

Help us flip two seats on March 17th by supporting the Special Elections in HD 18 and HD 58.

HD 58: Robert Prah

  • PRIORITY ACTION!!! MAKE SOME CALLS FOR ROBERT PRAH! Phonebank from home at your convenience or organize a phone bank party. Sign up HERE for the virtual phone bank link. Because you are helping us crush it at the doors in HD 18, we encourage you to send some love to Western PA and make calls for HD-58.
  • DONATE! Chip in HERE to support Robert’s campaign. 

HD 18: Harold Hayes

  • CANVASS FOR HAROLD! SIGN UP AND SHIFT DETAILS HEREOr, GOTV WEEKEND OF ACTION WITH OUR AWESOME ALLIES AT SWING LEFTPlease note that if you sign up for GOTV weekend, there will be an orientation call on 3/9 at 7:00 PM with Harold Hayes’s HD-18 campaign team. Also, it is important to be in touch if your group is planning to canvass. We are coordinating volunteers for the campaign and want to provide an accurate count so that they can be prepared for everyone.
  • MAKE SOME CALLS! Phonebank from home at your convenience or organize a phone bank party. Sign up HERE for the virtual phone bank link. 
  • DONATE! Chip in HERE to support Harold’s campaign. 


  • DO YOU SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE?    We are looking for multilingual volunteers to help communicate with diverse communities by canvassing, phone banking and helping to translate language for literature and postcards.  Sign up HERE to help. 
  • Are you a skilled writer, editor or researcher? Are you willing to do data entry? TPAB is putting together teams of volunteers to help remotely on various projects as they arise. Sign up HERE.