June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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Turn PA Blue

Posted on April 4, 2020

Talented activists in Pennsylvania who pivot off the pandemic to become even more creative in the effort to turn PA Blue.

Turn PA Blue Candid Candidates Series

Turn PA Blue’s Candid Candidates Series is bringing you candidates running to flip the PA General Assembly through virtual meet and greets!

This Tuesday, you’ll want to meet Nancy Guenst (PA-HD152).

As a Hatboro City Council member, she sponsored an LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination ordinance. When her mayor vetoed it, she ran for mayor and WON, signing it into law as the first female mayor of Hatboro since its founding in 1715. Now, she’s running to flip a Dem-leaning open seat in the PA House of Representatives.

Sign up for a webinar with Nancy on April 7th at 7PM ET!

Can’t make it? Chip in here to Nancy’s campaign and TPAB’s work electing her.

Turn PA Blue Virtual Quizzo (Round 2)!

Last week’s virtual TPAB Quizzo was tons of fun! Join us for our second installment this week. Very special guest callers to be announced…Sign up here to play.

WATCH: Wash That Trump Right Outta My Hands!

This “musical” was produced by our friends at the PA Blue Victory Fund. Do you recognize anyone? Were you part of this chorus? Bravo!

Help us “Wash That Trump Right Outa My Hands!”

Phone Bank: April 11 Back2Blue Day of Action

Let’s phone bank a HUGE number of Democratic voters to let them know about the new PA primary date (June 2) and about VOTE BY MAIL .

Sign up for the April 11 Day of Action here.

Training for the auto-dialing system is optional, but recommended. Trainings are available on the following dates/times:

  • Thu, Apr 9, 6:00pm–6:30pm EDT
  • Fri, Apr 10, 6:00pm–6:30pm EDT
  • Sat, Apr 11, 2:00pm–2:30pm EDT

Sign up for the Virtual Phone Bank training here.