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Swing Left Charlotte Spotlights Dynamic Canvasser from Boston

Posted on August 16, 2019
Ed Loechler, canvasser extraordinaire

The founder of Swing Left Charlotte created this glowing profile of Boston-based volunteer Ed Loechler, after he stayed at her house during a canvassing trip to NC-09. Ed is a rock star canvasser who, in his spare time is a college professor, athlete, musician and political analyst. This article originally appeared in the Swing Left Charlotte newsletter.

Ed Loechler is a Swing Left volunteer in Boston, Massachusetts who my family hosted for 8 days last week while he canvassed for Dan McCready. Since 2004 Ed has always done his election work—trying to defeat Republicans—in Swing States, because Massachusetts has an all-Democratic delegation. He has worked in Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio and now North Carolina. In 2018 he was Boston’s Swing Left coordinator for Anthony Brindisi, who successfully flipped New York’s 22nd congressional district. Aside from helping 20 canvassers get to NY22, Ed and his wife Leslie themselves spent 12 weekends canvassing in NY22.

Ed strongly believes in the value of canvassing. During his 8 days in NC9, he averaged 3 canvasses per day and estimates he knocked on about 900 doors. (Wow!!) He says, “Anyone who tells you they love canvassing is fibbing, but once I get started, I enjoy engaging people about why they should vote and for whom. And since it’s THE most important way to identify and motivate voters, canvassing is an imperative, given the dire political situation in which we find ourselves.”  

Ed has decided to focus on North Carolina in 2020. Why? Using his background as a scientist, he has always analyzed data about election trends to guide his efforts. Based on the Democratic Blue Wave in the 2018 House elections, he concludes that Michigan and Pennsylvania have a high probability of flipping back in 2020, which would give 36 of the 44 electoral votes needed for a Democrat to take back the Presidency. Wisconsin and North Carolina are the next most likely states to flip, making them the key tipping point states for securing a Democratic Presidential victory.

Thank you, Ed!! (Hosting Ed was so easy and I get to take a little credit for getting those 900 doors knocked. )

Written by Holly Wood
Founder, Swing Left Charlotte
Used with permission