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#ShowBlueLove 2020 Fundraising Toolkit

Posted on January 8, 2020


Looking for an Easy Circle of Friends/Online Fundraiser?

#ShowBlueLove 2020! Join other volunteers to maximize early donations and help Democrats win *all* Houses!

#ShowBlueLove with this super easy email and social media fundraiser. Get your email list together and ask friends, family, and colleagues to give $20 for 2020.

The email is already written—just customize and ask 20 (or more) folks to give $20. You can use Valentine’s Day, February 14, as a soft deadline, which makes a fun and friendly ask. You can also use this campaign all year long.

The January through Valentine’s Day #ShowBlueLove campaign was developed in 2018 by Swing Left New York and New Jersey volunteers, when a handful of people raised over $4500 in two weeks. All you need to do is ask 20 folks (or more) to give $20 for 2020.

Find social media memes here, which can remind friends to post—and encourage strangers—to give. Attach memes to your first email, after your personal touch.

About Swing Left Fundraising

Swing Left’s “campaign in waiting” model stays neutral until the primary, and unites behind the eventual Democratic nominee. After primaries, candidates are usually low on cash. That’s when Republican-aligned dark money groups start hammering our candidates with negative ads, hoping to define them before they start their general election campaigns.

Our model helps candidates hit the ground running and avoid being outspent by their Republican opponents, from nomination all the way through to Election Day. 100% of the funds are donated to the future Democratic nominees.

Swing Left makes it super easy for you to host a personal fundraising page. This allows you to track donations, post on social media, and email donors. You can link this page to a number of ActBlue funds, which makes it easy to support a particular candidate, state fund, or Senate fund. Or use one of the Swing Left Greater Boston funds!

100% of the funds raised are given the eventual Democratic nominee.

What’s in the #ShowBlueLove toolkit:

  • Every thing you need to create your Swing Left fundraising page and page image (feel free to customize!)
  • Sample emails to send between now and Valentine’s Day
  • Three memes so far—a bunch more on the way

This is a perfect email follow-up for your 2020 Ready house party!


Download the toolkit to your Google drive, or save it as a PowerPoint to your computer hard drive.

  • If you are using a Swing Left Greater Boston fundraising page (more here), skip to slide 7.
  • Images/memes here.
  • Hashtag #SwingLeft #SwingLeftBoston #ShowBlueLove #BlueWave2020 #SwingLeft2020. This will amplify your social media message.
  • Tag @SwingLeft and @SwingLeftBoston. This will amplify your social media message.

Personal Fundraising Pages

Create your own personal fundraising page here (we recommend signing in with your email address).

You can also use a pre-created Swing Left Greater Boston fundraising page; more here (everything from the Swing Left Senate Early Impact Fund, #DefeatCollins,  and Unify or Die presidential fund).


This toolkit was developed by professional fundraising, advertising and design experts at Swing Left: Target 2020–An NYC Action Group. Many thanks to Hope Singsen and Swing Left: Target 2020–An NYC Action Group for sharing!



swing left flip the senate

swing left #defeatcollins

swing left #defeatcollins

swing left #defeatcollins