June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Summer Days in Maine
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Sarasota County Dems Get a Boost from Margaret Good

Posted on July 24, 2019

Swing Left Greater Boston has an affinity for Sarasota County, where many Massachusetts snowbirds spend their winters. That’s why we’re happy that Margaret Good is running for Congress in Florida’s 16th congressional district, which includes Sarasota. In 2018, Margaret demonstrated her ability to connect with and energize Florida voters, when she won a special election for the Florida state legislature. (Watch this video of Margaret thanking Sister District volunteers for her win.)

Trump needs to hold Florida, where presidential races are won by a razor-thin margin, in order to hold the White House. Margaret, with her priorities of affordable prescription drugs, clean water, and combatting climate change, has shown she can beat the Trump agenda where it is most rooted.

Swing Left Greater Boston and its allied Massachusetts groups have sent 4,000 postcards to inactive Sarasota Democratic voters. Stay tuned for our next project: registering Dems to vote by mail.