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MA for Florida! Let’s Go to Beautiful Sarasota and Manatee Counties

Posted on January 30, 2020

sarasota democrats

Want to win the fight for Florida and how it’s playing out in Sarasota and Manatee Counties? Don’t miss this call!

Kate Kavanagh and Susan Labandibar will meet with Manatee and Sarasota County Dems, the two political candidates, plus key volunteers and precinct captains in the area.

Join us, and travel to Sarasota from 2/24-2/28! We rented an AirBNB so that we can use all of our time to further our collaboration.

Learn more about the campaign and trip here.

RSVP for the call to learn more!

  • Friday 1/31 5 pm or
  • Monday 2/3 12 pm

JoAnne Devries, Sarasota Dems Chair, Jo Bloom, Voter Reg coordinator Valerie Venutolo, volunteer from France