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Reach Out to Voters of Color in Virginia!

Posted on October 22, 2019

In just a few weeks, Virginia has the chance to completely change the face of the General Assembly; all 140 State Senate and House seats are up for re-election. We need two Senate seats and two House seats to be able to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, get no-excuse absentee voting and perhaps pass the Virginia Green New Deal!

The Center for Common Ground’s Reclaim Our Vote campaign is reaching out to voters of color who are not likely to vote. By adding the voices of new voters to the voices of activist and progressive voters, we win!

Reclaim Our Vote is are looking for people to join our phone banks (old style manual dialer or new power dialer), give rides to the polls (if you’re in Virginia) and if you don’t have the time or talent, simply donate money so the Center for Common Ground can hire more paid phone bankers.

If you want to hear the details of where we are working in Virginia, there is a webinar scheduled for Thursday, October 24th at 8pm Eastern. Sign up here.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening.


Andrea Miller