June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Register Maine Voters
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Postcards and Other Mailings

Posted on December 11, 2019

On December 7th, Susan Labandibar led a workshop on the effectiveness of postcards and other mailings. The three main takeaways were:

  1. Most postcard and letter studies show only marginal effectiveness (0.1-1%)
  2. The effectiveness of these mailings is contingent on numerous variables pertaining to geography, demographics, and election characteristics.
  3. Local organizations with on-the-ground knowledge of the voter population may have effective mailing projects in mind, but need volunteer resources to implement them.

The Wayland Democratic Town Committee is collaborating with the Sarasota County Democratic Party to send postcards to encourage registered Democrats to vote by mail.  A recently completed pilot study has shown a 3.1% increase in Vote by Mail enrollments in precincts that received the postcard mailing compared to a 0.66% increase in all 15 precincts and a 0.35% increase in the nine precincts that did not receive the mailing.

Swing Left Greater Boston provides support, data management and data analytics for postcard event hosts seeking to maximize the labor and financial contributions of its volunteers. For more information, visit SwingLeftBoston.org/host-an-event