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PA HD-18 Special Election Phone Bank Events

Posted on March 13, 2020

Hope you and your families are all safe and healthy and that we can lessen the impact of this virus by ignoring Trump and following our local leadership and the CDC.  Because of the virus, our HD-18 special PA election canvass has been cancelled, however there’s still work to do!.

There’s special elections in PA House districts 18 and 58 on Tuesday, March 17, and we need to reach voters by phone banking from home. You’ll get all of the information and training you need for making the calls in one of the below Zoom kick-offs meetings.

Kick-off and Orientation for Phone Banking from Home for HD-18 and HD-58 Sign Up Links:

Saturday, 10 am ET

Sunday, 10 am ET

On the call, we will:

  • Give you some of the quick training on the Pennsylvania HD-18 and HD-58 special elections on Tuesday, March 17 so you know what you’re talking about to voters.
  • Go over the Get Out the Vote script that you’ll follow on your calls.
  • Show you the phone banking tools you’ll be using on your computer or iPad while you make calls on your phone. (If you haven’t done it before, don’t worry — it’s very straightforward.)