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Newsletter March 21

Posted on March 20, 2020
Statewide Virtual Activism Calendar
Social distancing doesn’t need to slow down our activism! Swing Left Greater Boston’s on-line event calendar is chock-full of virtual events. Click the calendar that interests you below.
Postcard Pickup and Dropoff Calendar
Virtual Phone Bank Calendar
Virtual Activism Training Calendar
Maine Super State Calendar
See all upcoming events
Get Your Geek On - Tech Support for the Rest of Us
Swing Left and our partners in activism are transforming volunteerism into a non-contact sport.
Levelling Up for Virtual Volunteering
There are a lot of apps, such as Slack, Google Sheets, and Mobilize that Swing Left Greater Boston volunteers are using to make our communication easier and our efforts more efficient. For those of us who aren’t familiar with them, they can be a stumbling block to getting or staying involved and taking action.

On Sunday, March 22, Sonali Tambe, one of Swing Left Greater Boston’s tech-savvy volunteers, is holding a two-hour learning session via Zoom. You must sign up in advance. Details and sign up link are here.

Need more help? Drop in at any time during activist support office hours.

Upcoming Activist Support Office Hours
Saturday 3/21 at 11am

Monday 3/23 at 7pm
Tuesday 3/24 at noon

Call in any time during office hours using this Zoom link.
Other dates are in the Swing Left Greater Boston Calendar.
Florida – Voting without Viruses

3/22 at 7pm Florida Vote by Mail Strategy

Tune on Sunday, March 22 at 7pm to learn more about our strategy to boost turnout and swing Florida by registering Dems to vote by mail. Mike Coleman, chair of Florida Dems 2020 campaign committee, will share his successful strategy along with updates on voter turnout in the Florida Presidential primaries. Peter Grey will present the research he’s done for SLGB, and when you hear his findings you’ll want to get involved with this critical program.

A virtual postcard party is a way for you to support the Florida Democratic Party’s campaign to encourage inconsistent Dem voters to sign up for Vote by Mail.

Join us Sunday, March 22 at 7 pm to find out how. Register for the webinar now: https://www.mobilize.us/swingleft/event/263714/

To sign up to host a virtual postcard party, you can sign up here.

Virtual Phone Bank Training
Flip the Senate
Bye, Bye Susan

Which party controls the US Senate could hang on what happens to Susan Collins’ seat in Maine. Recent polling shows we have a chance of flipping that seat. One way to ensure Susan Collins’ defeat is to call Maine voters! And Swing Left Greater Boston can, of course, help with that! The purpose of these calls is to simply listen to voter issues, identify support for candidates, and clean up the phone lists; no voter persuasion is required.

Register for a training webinar on March 25 at 7:30 where you will learn best phone banking practices, how to use the List Fixer automatic dialer, and practice using the script. Feedback from the calls will help Maine Dems hone their anti-Collins messaging and have a stronger list for canvassing. And for more information about what is going on in Maine, check out the Swing Left Maine: Voter Digest.

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