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Newsletter April 4

Posted on April 4, 2020

Why, how, and where
to get online for Democrats

Defeat Susan Collins while Staying Safe

Make calls for Critical WI Supreme Court Election April 7

Celebrate online connections
COVID-19 is no reason to ignore your need for connection.
Don’t Go Stir-Crazy! Volunteer!
Feeling isolated? Battling claustrophobia? Individuals around the world are feeling the effects of social distancing. Research says that when people don’t feel connected, there’s a huge negative impact to emotional and physical health.

Do something meaningful
Research out of Berkeley has found that, “Anything you can do to help others meet their need for connection also helps you. There is satisfaction, even joy, to be found in serving a cause greater than self.”

Swing Left: a perfect venue for connection
Swing Left has moved to an entirely virtual world. Opportunities to relate to others abound. There are online texting and letter/postcard writing parties where you can see and chat with other volunteers. Online group meetings give people a chance to share ideas with other activists, learn about strategies and elections, and renew commitment.

Have compassion for yourself and others
Yes, this is a world crisis in terms of emotional, economic, and physical well-being. Whatever you decide to do, be gentle with yourselves and others as we self-care in the best ways we know how.

Here are some of the online ways activists are making a difference to the political situation … and to themselves and others.

Opportunities to meet with like-minded people Get active online

Call to action photo
It’s time to call or write so voters will vote by mail
Vote by Mail Essential to Democratic Success
With social distancing and self-quarantines, getting Democrats to vote by mail is critical to turning the country around. Research out of MIT and articles in the New York Times emphasize the value of changing to this mode of election.

Swing Left is resolute in its commitment to promoting online registration and vote by mail.

Sign up for any of the Swing Left vote-by-mail campaigns.
They’re all remote or online — safe and effective at the same time.

Don't let technology get in the way of activism
If you recognize Spock’s quote, “It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it,” then this article might be for you.
Where Do I Click?
Now that COVID-19 has pushed us (kicking and screaming?) into a virtual world, many Swing Left volunteers are feeling a little lost — or even aggravated — by the process of connecting in such a different way.

Here are some ways for you to get familiar with the online tools that Swing Left and its partner, Together for 2020, are using to keep everyone connected and active.

Videos are a great way to get started
Here’s how to join a Zoom meeting like a pro:

Here’s why Swing Left Greater Boston and Together for 2020 are using Slack:

Slides let you learn at your own pace

Get “face-to-face” guidance

Wisconsin, the Next Battleground
Candidates for WI Supreme Court Justice
Democrat Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky vs. Republican Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly (photo: Associated Press)
Gerrymandering on the Ballot
While other elections are on hold, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election is still on, scheduled for next Tuesday, April 7. This is a crucial election. The Badger State has some of the worst partisan gerrymandering in the country. That’s allowed Republicans here to suppress the vote, massively cut education and health care, and attack reproductive rights.

Liberal Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky is contesting current Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly, who has never been elected (then-Gov. Scott Walker appointed him to the court). There is hope: In the primary, Kelly received nearly 353,000 votes; in comparison, Karofsky took nearly 262,000, and another liberal candidate, Ed Fallone, received just over 89,000 votes.

This election looks different due to COVID-19. Per the Wisconsin State Journal, lawsuits are mounting, and Gov. Tony Evers on Friday asked the Legislature to send absentee ballots to registered voters — raising resistance from GOP leaders.

But we have a plan to win.
Since all in-person voter contact activities are suspended, phone banking is the primary way to reach voters.
Virtual Phone Bank – Wisconsin Supreme Court Election
Wednesday – Tuesday, April 1 – 7 @ 10:00 am – 10:00 pm

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