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Dialing for the Michigan Democratic Party One Campaign (Coordinated Campaign)

Posted on September 8, 2020

Why Michigan?

Michigan’s 16 Electoral College votes are critical to winning the White House in 2020. In 2016, Democrats didn’t get enough voters in traditional Democratic strongholds—and lost crucial votes in rural parts of Michigan. Gaining back support in these areas—and statewide—is essential for winning Michigan—and holding the US Senate and House seats.


Plus, Michigan Democrats could take back the state’s House of Representatives from Republicans for the first time since 2010—we just need four state house seats! This will provide Governor Whitmer with support in the legislature, and help overturn gerrymandering.


In the state house, Swing Left is currently targeting seven districts—five GOP-held seats and two Democratic holds. Geographically, Swing Left targets are distributed across the state, with the majority surrounding the metro Detroit area. Four GOP incumbents in target districts are being term-limited out of office, giving Democrats an opportunity to flip the chamber in 2020 and protect the integrity of Michigan’s independent redistricting process in 2021.


We need your help for Democrats to win big in Michigan in 2020!


Learn More


Why Phone Bank?

  • After door-to-door canvassing, phone banking is the most effective way to connect with voters, clean voter lists, and do voter identification.
  • Canvassing is on hold during the pandemic, so calling is even more important.
  • This strategy provides the opportunity for personal, real-time conversations. It allows us to make real-time connections with voters, ask questions, and collect valuable information for campaigns.
  • Phone banking helps identify supporters, recruit volunteers, deliver yard signs, get out the vote, clean up phone lists, and more.
  • Allows campaigns and state Democratic parties gather critical data and target their resources.
  • It’s critical for getting out the vote and reaching rural voters.
  • Builds community.
  • It is practical and cost effective—anyone can phone bank from home without having to travel.


Let’s Go!

Don’t worry if you have not done this before! There is a short training before each virtual phone bank. The shift organizer will send setup information, and train you on the script before you start dialing. The organizer also be available (by Zoom, email, and/or text) during your shift, to answer questions and offer assistance.

Calls and training are primarily on ThruTalk (an autodialer). OpenVPB (manual dialing) is available as a backup. Learn more in the Getting Started section of the Michigan Phone Bank Guide.

See Dial Michigan! for more information. #MIEarlyVote #LeaveNoDoubt #FlippinTheMitten


Sign Up

  • Out of state Get Out the Vote (GOTV) phone banks Fri. 10/30 1-8 pm ET here and 10/31-11/3 10 am-9 pm ET here
  • If you live in Michigan, please sign up here
  • Each shift starts with a short training session. Organizers will review some Michigan-specific information, script, and ThruTalk set up.



As of 10/21/2020, this is the current script, which includes updated language about absentee ballot chase and early voting. This script is available on ThruTalk and OpenVPB.



Questions/Contact Information

  • Need a little extra help getting connected or help with OpenVPB or ThruTalk? Drop us a note! bluemichiganvolunteers@gmail.com
  • Have questions about Michigan Dem One Campaign dialing (phone calls, phone bank training, or anything else)? Please email the MDP Out of State team at ooshelp@1campaignmi.com.


Other Michigan Dialing Opportunities

Learn about other opportunities to dial Michigan here.