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June 1st Frontline Update: Halfway to Voting Day
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May 25, 2024 Newsletter

Posted on May 26, 2024
Massachusetts' best resource for keeping the House and the Senate and turning purple states Blue.
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We're in the Boston Globe!

Swing Blue Alliance featured in yesterday's Boston Globe

Scot Lehigh: "Here’s how blue state voters can help the Democrats’ swing-state efforts"


May 25, 2024

Issue #264


In This Issue

● Break the supermajority in NC       ● Frontline Update: June 1

● Voter registration: call, travel, learn about canvassing

● Activate voters and volunteers: hear about Working America, call, meet, postcard

● See SBA at MassDems Convention

● Intern profile: Rachel Kurlandsky


Help Break the Supermajority in
North Carolina

Come hear Heather Cox Richardson, Rep. Robert Reives, and Daniel Squadro

Want a chance to see Heather Cox Richardson live AND help break the Republican supermajority in the NC House at the same time? Join us at this blockbuster fundraiser and make sure the governor maintains his veto power over right-wing NC legislators.  Your donation will go to the Swing Blue Alliance Giving Circle for The State's Project.  All donations up to $5,000 will be matched by a generous donor.

May 28 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm EDT


Frontline Update June 1

Don’t miss the Swing Blue Alliance Frontline Update on Saturday, June 1! You’ll hear about the tangible impact of our collective efforts and learn about how you can safeguard the electoral process. You'll come away understanding why your involvement is essential.

Sat, Jun 1 @ 10-10:30 am EDT


It’s Never Too Early to Register Voters

It’s easy to talk to people about registering to vote this early in the campaign cycle because you’re not talking politics or asking for money. This week, join any of these voter registration activities and get voters registered!


TRAVEL: Tour Historic Pennsylvania and Make History

Canvass in Pennsylvania

Learn how to Register Voters:  5/28 5-6pm on Zoom

Travel North of Philadelphia, May 31 - June 2

Travel Allentown and Bethlehem, June 7-9 & June 21-23


TRAVEL: Win Arizona 2024

Canvass in Arizona

(scroll down the webpage to Arizona and click sign-up sheet.)

Canvassing Made Easy

Get ready to canvass by learning the ins and outs of going door to door from the experts. You’ll find out what to say and how to use the software tools that make it easy.

June 12 & 17 @ 6 - 7 pm EDT


Activate Voters and Volunteers

Partnership With Working America

Partnership with Working America

Swing Blue Alliance and Working America are establishing a partnership to mobilize Americans without a workplace union to fight for good jobs, a fair economy, and a representative democracy. 

Meet Karen Nussbaum, founding director of Working America, and our research team. They'll explain why joining this partnership is one of the most impactful actions you can take in 2024 as a mail campaign host.

Mon, Jun 3 @ 7 - 8 pm EDT


Learn more about being a mail host. Once you request info, we'll contact you and provide a one-on-one orientation as well as ongoing coaching.


CALL: Join the NC Phone Bank Team

We’ve just switched to the Scale to Win dialer. This best-in-class calling tool is more productive and is getting great reviews:

  • “The dialer really turbo charges our ability to reach voters. We made 10X the usual number of calls!” -- David Foulser
  • “My hat is off to you. I am so proud and thankful to be working with such a dedicated and competent group of leaders!” -- Mark Niedergang

Join these thrilled volunteers and engage NC voters and volunteers.

Sun, Jun 2 @ 4 - 6 pm EDT (in-person)

Sun, Jun 2 @ 6 - 8 pm EDT (Zoom)

Wed, Jun 5 @ 6 - 8 pm EDT (Zoom)

Note: Wednesday callers are recruiting volunteers and supporting NC State House candidate Safiyah Jackson. Other sessions only recruit volunteers. 


CALL: Tell Ohio Dems About the Gerrymandering Petition


MEET IN PERSON: Activist Afternoons in Cambridge

MassDems convention June 1

Will you be attending the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention in Worcester on June 1? Come find us at the Swing Blue Alliance Table!


Junior Rachel Kurlandsky is joining SBA for the summer to make our phone banks run even more smoothly. Read her profile here.


Our Mission

Swing Blue Alliance (formerly Swing Left Greater Boston) is the largest all-volunteer Democratic grassroots organization headquartered in Massachusetts. We use proven methods to protect our Democracy, work on competitive local and national elections, and strengthen the Democratic party at the grassroots level.

Your contribution will help fund the operations of this volunteer-produced newsletter, which goes out to over 15K subscribers.

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