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March 28th Newsletter

Posted on March 28, 2020


Virtual Activism Opportunities

Tired of sitting at home alone? Get ACTIVE and join others with virtual activism. Click the kind of event that interests you and see what’s available. Safe, convenient, and a great way to get Dems elected.

Virtual Activism Training

Make Calls – Get Dems to Vote

Write to Flip the Super States

Oust Susan Collins in Maine

Win in Wisconsin – Win the Election
Len Friedland - Win WI
Lewis Friedland to speak on the importance of WI to winning the White House
Fruitful Face-to-Face Online Fundraising
When Force Multiplier organizers had to suspend in-person fundraising, they put together two Zoom* events featuring Lucy McBath, who represents Georgia’s 6th congressional district. They were blown away by the success of their first all-virtual fundraising event. More than 130 people participated, and contributions have exceeded the $30,000 mark.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party’s grassroots Neighbor to Neighbor campaign has taken note and is putting together its own virtual fundraiser this Sunday, March 29. Joining the Zoom conference will be Lewis Friedland, activist leader and expert on Wisconsin politics. He has watched anti-union, anti-democratic dark money enact racist policies and eliminate programs and services for families.

In 2018, Wisconsin Democrats turned the state, voting in a full slate of Democrats. Now, the Republican Party believes that whoever wins Wisconsin will win the election. Swing Left wants to prove them right.

Join Other Dems as we raise the roof for Wisconsin Dems.
Win Wisconsin – Win the Election
March 29 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
RSVP now!

Voting without Viruses in Florida
Voting without Viruses in Florida
Online presentation on increasing Vote by Mail
Get a First-Hand Look at What You Missed Last Sunday

On March 22, a record 122 volunteers attended the online meeting, Voting Without Viruses: The Dems’ Secret Weapon to Win in 2020. Huge thanks to our awesome presenters — Mike Coleman, Peter Grey, Richard Segan, Dr. Robert J. Master, and Jean Milburn — who made the case that Vote by Mail postcards are important, feasible, and especially effective, even during the pandemic.

Catch up with other activists and …

View a recording of the entire presentation

Then get started with your own virtual Florida Vote by Mail Postcard party

Disappointment in PA
Lose a seat but win the state in 2020
Setback Energizes Meaningful Action
We had tough news from Pennsylvania last week. Despite strong efforts from Swing Left Greater Boston and seven other states, we lost all three special legislative elections on March 17.

Democrat Harold Hayes in HD-18 lost by only 883 votes out of 8,169 votes cast. Just as in 2016, when we lost Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes to Donald Trump by 44,292 votes out of nearly six million cast, we confirmed that every vote and every voter contact counts.

That’s why we’re encouraging Pennsylvania voters to register and to sign up to Vote by Mail, more vital than ever in the age of coronavirus.

Make a difference at these upcoming virtual events:
Pick up cards on Monday,March 30 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in Andover. RSVP
Attend online training on Monday, April 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm RSVP
Sign up for any of the events at 2020 Pennsylvania
Use your socially distancing time to contribute to and promote our Facebook page and our new Instagram channel @SwingLeftBostonFlippingPA.

*Learn More About Getting Online
What is Zoom?
When you click the Zoom link in your confirmation email, you join a Zoom online conference. On the web page that comes up, you can see, hear, and talk to the meeting leader and other participants. You can even see the presenter’s screen, including slides and other documents on their computer. Sign up for training.                                  

Tech Support Office Hours

Ask anything!
Mondays and Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 12:00 pm
Saturdays @ 11:00 am
Click here to join from any device connected to the internet.
Or dial 646-876-9923; when prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 611 408 9930.
Virtual Postcard Party
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