June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Save Our Voters Fall Internship
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June 20 Newsletter

Posted on June 20, 2020

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Learn How to Win in MI
Be part of flipping Michigan blue in 2020!
Battle for Must-Win Michigan with MI Lt. Gov. Gilchrist
Be part of flipping Michigan blue in 2020! Join this key information session about the battle for must win Michigan. Hear from Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, a native of Detroit and former community organizer. Other speakers include Statewide Indivisible Michigan (SWIM) Co-Founders Paula Martinos-Mantay and Michelle Pallas, representing the in-the-trenches, grassroots perspective and Michigan Democratic Party Deputy Field Director Amy Laube, representing Michigan Dem’s ONE Campaign, Michigan’s coordinated campaign.

Don’t Miss It
Monday, June 21 @ 4:00 pm EDT
Learn more
Sign up and invite a friend — or three — to come, too.

Michigan, cont.
Dialing Detroit
It’s time to get on the phone to elect Dems up and down the ballot.
Dialing Dems in Detroit
(aka Virtual Canvassing)
With Michigan Dem’s ONE Campaign, we’re calling likely Detroit Dems, checking in, helping verify voter IDs, and giving them the opportunity to get added to the Permanent Absentee Voter List in time for the August 4 primary. No persuasion — just asking questions, and listening .

Don’t worry if you’ve never made calls before! We’ll start off with a short training, dial on our own for less than an hour, then regroup, debrief/chat/wrap-up for about 20 minutes. Experienced caller? You can start dialing right away. We’ll go over everything before you start dialing.

Sign up for the weekly virtual phone banks:
Mondays @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Thursdays @ 1:00 pm -2:30 pm

Calling on your own? Need help setting up your Action ID?
Check out the Michigan Phone Bank Guide or drop us a note.

Michigan, cont.
Digital Door to MI
Digital Door to MI

Know someone who wants to turn Michigan as blue as the Great Lakes?
Point them to the MA for Michigan volunteer group

or visit the
Swing Left Greater Boston Michigan Calendar

Swing Left MA Volunteers for Michigan

Swing Left MA Volunteers for Michigan on Facebook

Check this out!
Obama leads grassroots fundraiser
Joe Biden and President Obama Event
Step 1: Chip in ANY amount here
Step 2: RSVP here

Tuesday, June 23 @ 5:15 pm EDT

Rebecca Riccio on Phone Banking
Rebecca Riccio of Swing Left Greater Boston makes a stirring appeal for phone banking to save our democracy, protect people of color, and protect us from COVID-19.
Use Your Voice to Save Our Democracy
Uncomfortable making phone calls? What will be uncomfortable is waking up after the election, facing the prospect of living under an increasingly authoritarian regime. We know how to do this. It’s working, but there aren’t enough of us calling yet.

Watch now
and learn how you can use your voice to help save our democracy.

Getting out the student vote in Maine
Educational institutes initiate voter registration support
Schools in Maine Encourage Students to Register

Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) Stands Up for Voter Registration
The Dean of Student Services at SMCC is working with us, making it easy for students to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This non-partisan effort will reach 685 summer school students who are eligible to vote in Maine, all of whom are off campus right now due to COVID-19.

The college has provided pre-addressed official SMCC envelopes. Volunteers will print out and mail the materials. The students will receive instructions, a voter registration form, an absentee ballot request, a stamped envelope addressed to the student’s local city clerk, and a cover letter that explains why it’s important to vote. As an extra bonus, the envelope itself serves as a proof of residence.

University of Southern Maine (USM) Onboard
We made the same request to USM. They agreed to include a brief article about the importance of registering to vote in their weekly newsletter, which goes to all students. The issue will include the PDF with all the necessary forms and instructions. We’ll reach their entire summer school population without any work or expense on our part.

Public Schools Distribute Forms to High School Seniors
Maine volunteers ran the same project in Portland, sending the same materials to every one of the 440 public school seniors in the city.  We quickly followed up by sending the same materials to the 140 graduating seniors in Freeport.

We’re off and running in Maine!

Digital Door to PA
Digital Door to PA
 @swingleftflipPA on instagram @swingleftflipPA on twitter
@swingleftbostonflipPA @swingleftflipPA

This week, Together for 2020 is highlighting Jon Ossoff’s run for U.S. Senator in Georgia, as well as how easy it is to harness the power of texting. Read more.

Vote Forward letters to Maine Voters
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