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Intern Profile: Rachel Kurlandsky

Posted on May 22, 2024

Phone banks are a critical component of SBA’s tool chest, and we want to support our callers as effectively as possible. Luckily, junior Rachel Kurlandsky is joining us for the summer to help out. A student at George Washington, Rachel explains why she chose SBA for an internship: “SBA is giving me the opportunity to work closely with the growing community of Massachusetts-based volunteers. I’ll be learning about and getting involved with various key races in swing states.”

Rachel expects to lead phone banks, train new volunteers, and assist the phone bank team with whatever they may need. “I know I’ll benefit from becoming familiar with various types of phone banks,” says Rachel. “It will be great to learn more about key elections in states like North Carolina and Ohio. In the long term, I look forward to developing leadership skills and expertise on organizing and running grassroots programs to elect Democrats.”