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9 Ways to Beat Republicans in NC-09

Posted on July 29, 2019
Dan McCready in Cambridge in June

On Tuesday, September 10th, the most important election of 2019 will take place in North Carolina’s 9th district. Democrat Dan McCready has been running continuously for the seat since early 2017. After what appeared to be a 905 vote loss last November, the McCready campaign helped uncover the most significant election fraud in recent political history, which led the NC State Board of Elections to order a new election. Dan’s new opponent is a nationally known homophobe and the author of North Carolina’s notorious “Bathroom Bill.”

Here in Greater Boston, there are dozens of ways you can take effective action to help Dan win, from watching a film to knocking doors in North Carolina. Don’t let the number of choices bog you down — any one of these actions is important. Just pick an action you can take and RSVP now.

  1. Write letters to Democratic voters in NC-09. Find your event here.
  2. August 18th in Cambridge: McCready Action Day (MAD). Phone bank, write letters or postcards to turn out the vote in NC-09 at Activist Afternoons. RSVP here.
  3. Pledge to write 20 letters from home. Get started here.
  4. Make phone calls from home: Get started here.
  5. Support Left of Center, the women-led political action committee working with Aisha. Donate here.
  6. August 23-25 – First canvassing trip: Knock doors in Waxhaw County
  7. September 5-10 – Second canvassing trip: Knock doors in Waxhaw County

A high Democratic turnout on September 10th will give Dan the victory he deserves in NC-09. It will help build the political infrastructure to enable North Carolina Democrats to end gerrymandering, flip a Senate seat, and put the state’s 15 electoral votes in play. Finally, a win in this solid Republican district will send a powerful signal to volunteers and small-dollar donors around the country that Trump’s racist rhetoric can still be beaten, even on Republican turf.