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Host a Swing Left Debate Watch Party

Posted on June 6, 2019

On behalf of Swing Left National, Swing Left Greater Boston invites you to host your own Debate Watch party on June 26th or 27th (or both!).

Hosting a Debate Watch Party can get your friends and neighbors off the sidelines and into the most important election of our lifetime.

Plus, it’s a fun, easy way to “promote” new activists to hosts. You can help new members of your team or network to host their own party (the more events, the better chance guests can find one near them – and the better the chance they’ll attend!). Please take a moment now to create your event  – even if you leave some details “TBD” til you work out all the logistics. Here is the link to get started:https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/unity-debate-watch-parties-with-swing-left.

Debate Watch Host Webinar

Please RSVP here to our one hour Host Webinar at 8-9PM ET, Thursday, June 20th. We’ll cover tips and tricks, as well as suggested topics, games, and, most importantly, key information for helping your guests take action now.