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GOTV for VA’s Jennifer Boysko

Posted on January 4, 2019

virginia jennifer boysko

Tuesday 1/8 VA Special Election Flip the Virginia House of Delegates!

A seat held by a Democrat, Congresswoman-elect Jennifer Wexton, is up for grabs in a special election to be held on January 8th. Let’s keep the Republicans on their toes. There will be a general election later this year when we’ll have another opportunity to flip the Virginia House, currently at 49 Democrats to 51 Republicans.

Make calls to get the vote out for Democrat Jennifer Boysko. Are you an experience phone banker? Please contact us to learn how you can be a phone bank captain at Activist Afternoons on January 6th from 4-6pm.

Want to host your own phone bank? Learn more about phone banking, and sign up to phone bank for Jennifer (either on our own, or with a group).

Postcards to Voters is also working on Campaign 140: Jennifer Boysko for State Senate Special Election 1/8/2019. Learn more here.

1/8/2019 results. Congratulations, Jennifer!

More about Jennifer

Democrat Jennifer Boysko and Republic Joe May are full speed ahead.

Nearly 100 union workers gathered in Herndon on Saturday to canvas for Boysko, who is running for Virginia state senate.

“We had a crowd about this size in the pouring rain a couple weeks before Christmas and we visited over 2,000 households that day,” said Boysko. “It’s just been amazing.”

Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters Representative Meri Canahui says workers get excited about Boysko not only because of her voting record, but also because of her upbringing.

Raised by a single mom, Boysko knows what it’s like to struggle. That’s why she’s fighting for raising the minimum wage, and protecting workers’ rights.

Learn more about Jennifer Boysko on her campaign page, or here.