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Flex Your Activist Muscles at Activist Afternoons!

Posted on October 19, 2019
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Activist Afternoons

October 27, Cambridge: Every Sunday in Cambridge, Activist Afternoons provides a time and a space for “Activism without the Hassle.”  For two hours from 4-6 pm, organizers from local activist groups offer a range of civic engagement activities, including phone banking, text banking, letter-writing, training and even canvass launches. 

On Sunday, October 27th, Activist Afternoons will celebrate its second anniversary by filming volunteers in action. Kavita and Sauli — the talented video production team at Pillay Productions — will be on hand to interview organizers and attendees — from first time attendees to the old-timers.

The November elections are coming up! There’s still time to organize an activity at Activist Afternoons, or bake up a batch of cookies to bring with you to our celebration on October 27th. To learn more, or sign up, please visit ActivistAfternoons.org.