June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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Dialing for Dan: Whichever Side Gets Out the Votes Wins!

Posted on August 25, 2019

Want to make a difference in a race where every vote will count?  Join us to Get Out the Vote for the Sept. 10th NC-09 special congressional election, where a re-do after election fraud by the GOP pits Democrat Dan McCready against Dan “transgender bathroom bill” Bishop.  This race is neck-and-neck:  getting out the Democratic vote in a state that is rife with voter suppression will determine whether or not we can send Democrat Dan McCready to Congress.

Bring your laptop, phone, headphones if you have them and chargers.  No experience needed:  we will provide training, tips and let you know what to expect.

Phone banking dates.

If you would like to try it at home, please sign up for the remote phone bank at https://actionnetwork.org/forms/dan-mccready-remote-phone-bank/