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Canvassing and Voter Registration Resources

Posted on February 14, 2020

Ready to knock on doors (canvass)? That’s great! Studies show that face to face conversations are twice as effective as phone calls, and even more effective than texting. Canvassing is still the gold standard and the best way to connect with voters!

Don’t worry if you’ve never knocked doors before. Campaigns will train you and will send you to registered Democrats and likely Democrats (which is very different from persuasion canvassing).

Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) canvassing is all about making sure folks have a plan to vote, have a way to get to the polls, know where their polling location is, and know who they are voting for (up and down the ballot).

How Do I Organize a Canvassing Trip?

Guides to organizing your own canvassing trip and weekend of action (WOA).

How Do I Connect with a Super State Group or Opportunity?

Save the Date 5/9-10

5/9-10 is on the Swing Left 2020 calendar as a canvassing weekend of action.

It’s the right time to start thinking about April and May trips—that gives us plenty of time to plan. And it’s never too early to talk about the summer!

  • Consider a #DemocracyHoliday or vacaycanvassing (vacation canvassing). If a volunteer is interested in canvassing/volunteering while they are in a Super State for work or vacation, they can contact a local organizer, or a Swing Left organizer here
  • Set aside time to canvass in a Super State this year by creating their Personal Plan for Activism for 2020.
  • Fundraise for Super State races and increase awareness among family and friends about canvassing in a Super State. More here.

Before You Go

Trip Planning

Check out our Super State trip planners here.

Post on MobilizeAmerica

Post canvassing events here.

What to Bring

Please remember to bring appropriate clothing (including rain gear and umbrella, if necessary), comfortable shoes, water, snack, a fully charged mobile device, battery pack (if using your cell phone GPS for canvass or MiniVan), and sunscreen. Please check the weather (www.weather.gov or other site) and dress accordingly.


Most campaigns use MiniVan. More information on how to download, setup, etc. here.


We suggest using the free app, Group Carpool.  Directions here.

You can also share the following information via email or a Google doc.

  • Who you are and what town you are from
  • How many people you are bringing
  • Whether you can offer a ride
  • Whether you need a ride
  • Contact information (email and cell phone)
Where Should I Leave My Car?

If you are not meeting someone at their home or a T stop, find a common place to meet. Cafes/coffee shops and public libraries are a good option. We recommend an indoor place, so folks can hang out and stay warm and read, if the driver is running late.

T stops are a good place to meet, if you are meeting car-free folks. A lot of Boston-area folks pickup riders at Porter Square Books (next to Porter Square Books in Porter Square).

Park and Ride commuter lots are another option. Be sure to check the web site details and see how long you can park your car, etc.

Training and Other Resources

Want to learn more?