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Canvassing in Virginia to turn the State Legislature BLUE.

Posted on September 26, 2019
Get Out the Vote for Sheila Bynum-Coleman in Richmond, VA, Nov 1-5

Canvass with Swing Left to flip the House of Delegates and the State Senate from November 1 through November 5th, 2019. This could be our best and last chance to turn Virginia blue and set up a decade of progressive victories that will impact the entire country.

Our Candidate: We will be supporting Sheila Bynum-Coleman (https://www.sheilafordelegate.com) who is running against the incumbent Republican Speaker of the VA House of Delegates.

Location: We will canvass in the most northern part of HD-66 in three majority-minority precincts where four out of five registered voters would cast their ballot for our candidate — if they decide to vote! Improving voter turnout here in the outskirts of Richmond is considered critical for Sheila Bynum Coleman’s campaign.

Cost: We’ve rented a beautiful AirBNB just five miles from the central canvass location. Total estimated cost of trip, including airfare, car rental, and lodging is about $500. For trip details, click here. For more information please email Susan Labandibar (SLabandibar@swingleft.org)

Redistricting has made this district competitive for Democrats

Effectiveness of Canvassing: High. HD-66 was recently redistricted after the US District Court ruled that it had been racially gerrymandered. Many voters are unaware of which districts they are part of, who their delegates are, and who the candidates are in their upcoming elections.