June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Swing Left Immediate Impact Fund
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Annie Kuster NH-02

Posted on September 11, 2018
Annie Kuster NH-02

Annie Kuster NH-02

Keep NH blue! Keeping Annie Kuster’s seat blue is critical towards flipping the House. NH-02 is also particularly interesting—a Democrat holding NH-02 for a fourth term has never happened. So let’s do it!

Ready to canvass, phone bank, and support Annie’s campaign? Check out the NH-02 district calendar swingleft.org/district/NH-02/calendar. For more information about NH-02 and other events, see the Swing Left Greater Boston local events directory swingbluealliance.org/events.

Learn More

Donate to Annie’s campaign.

NH-02 District Map

NH-02 District Map

Trip to Flip/GOTV Vacations

Trip to Flip encourages modern-day patriots living in the greater Boston blue bubble to volunteer in winnable swing House districts prior to Election Day. Can you volunteer in district for four days or more? Sign up at swingbluealliance.org/trip-to-flip.

Swing Left Greater Boston

Not on the Swing Left Greater Boston list? Let’s keep in touch! Learn more about Swing Left Greater Boston’s events, actions, and news—sign up for the weekly Swing Left Greater Boston newsletter swingbluealliance.org/subscribe

Find more Swing Left Greater Boston events at www.swingbluealliance.org/events and tinyurl.com/slgbevents.

Swing Left Greater Boston Action Steps

Don’t despair. Mobilize. It starts with the House!

Annie Kuster NH-02

Annie Kuster NH-02

Annie Kuster NH-02

Annie Kuster NH-02

Annie Kuster NH-02

Join Us! Canvassing for Annie Kuster NH-02