Saturday April 19th, No Kings, “We’re not going back!” Protest
(250th Anniversary of the American Revolution)
This a local Indivisible event!
12:00PM – 2:00PM
Location: Hyannis Airport Rotary, 499 Barnstable Road, Hyannis (Park at: Staples)
Organized by: Cape Cod Women for Change/Mid Cape Indivisible and Indivisible Upper Cape, in partnership w/ 50501
Email if you have any questions.
Bring: signs, flag cowbells, drums, and a loud voice for chants!
Join Cape Cod Women for Change (aka Mid Cape Indivisible) in partnership with 50501, on the anniversary of the state of the Revolutionary War. In 1775, our country wanted to establish our own government, free from the monarchical control of Britain. Paul Revere’s midnight ride started on the 18th and ended on the 19th, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The battles were a victory for the American militia and led to increased support for the anti-British cause.
Now, 250 years later, our democracy is at stake as we slip back into a government that only works for a few (the billionaires), instead of all of us! We need to advocate to stop the grift! The President and billionaires, like Elon Musk, should NOT be financially benefiting from their position within the government. This is wrong! We need our systems of checks and balances to be upheld, by allowing congress to exercise their oversight power, and honoring the court’s rulings, or else our founding documents that outline our democracy become nullified.
We must protect our freedoms, as outlined in the constitution. We must stand up for those directly in harm’s way, if you come for one of us, you come for all of us. We all agreed “Never again!” after reading Martin Niemöller ‘s famous poem., “First They Came.”
Corruption destroys, community builds! Stand in solidarity to defend our democracy! We need to be visible and make some noise!!!!! Please be safe. If anti-protesters come, keep your distance and do NOT engage.
Stay in the designated area. We are allowed to be on public/town land. We can walk the easements in front of the stores to reach the locations. The town owns the grassy area between the rotary and Nantucket Sound where we will stand. (If we need to spread out more, the town also owns the property between Wendy’s and the rotary and the grassy area between Rt 132 and 28. However, those two locations are a challenge for parking.) Dress comfortably.
To submit an event to the calendar, email