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Help Turn PA Blue with an Easy Data Project

Posted on February 2, 2020

Turn PA Blue

Help Turn PA Blue with an Easy Data Project

Help turn Pennsylvania blue with an easy—but crucial—data project!

Help Turn PA Blue verify candidate petitions, so they can run for office! This is a remote project i.e., training and shifts can be done anywhere you have an Internet connection.

It’s fun, it’s easy—and it will help turn the Pennsylvania State House blue!


Pennsylvania State House candidates must file 300 signatures with the PA Department of State to get on the ballot. After the candidate submits the petitions, there is a week-long objection process. During this period, candidates can be removed from the ballot for a variety of legal reasons. 

The GOP will try to use every legal means possible to remove our candidates from the ballot. We need *you* to make sure this doesn’t happen! 

The Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee (HDCC) needs to know who is filing what, where, and when because the information we need can not be found in the same location. This is aanother reminder why Dems need to take control of Harrisburg!


  • Volunteers will take petition information from the Department of State website and move it to the 2020 Petition Tracker (a Google spreadsheet). 
  • Volunteers count signatures and verify that all the necessary documentation has been filed for each petition. This will help the HDCC determine if there is likely to be a legal challenge. 
  • Once this process is completed, volunteers use the PA Voter Database (VAN) to look up individual signatures to determine if they can be challenged.
  • Brief training (remote or in-person in Harrisburg) will teach you everything you need to know!


February 4th, 6:00PM-7:00PM: RSVP: https://meet.google.com/hos-vrro-rkn

February 5th  6:00PM – 7:00PM. RSVP here

February 6th, 6:00PM-7:00PM: RSVP: https://meet.google.com/hos-vrro-rkn

Shift Sign-up

Sign up for remote shift(s) between 2/14-2/24 here (petition tracking or petition challenges and striking)