June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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August 8th Newsletter

Posted on August 8, 2020


Upcoming Super State Strategy Meetings

Get the latest on happenings in…
, Wednesday, August 12 @ 5:15 pm
FLORIDA, Wednesday, August 19 @ 5:30 pm


Don’t Throw Out the Baby
with the Bathwater

VBM: Don't throw out the baby with the bath water
You may have heard a murmur of concern about the efficacy and security of vote by mail (VBM). Make no mistake. VBM is the best strategy for safe and secure elections. And for Democratic wins at all levels.

Across the country, states are adopting, facilitating, and preparing for a VBM election. Even the Republican Party is getting on the bandwagon now that they see that discouraging VBM equals discouraged turnout.

Grassroots volunteers and organizations are mailing and calling likely Democratic voters to make sure they request ballots as soon as possible. The groups will “chase” these requests with reminders and other follow-up actions, all the way until voters return their ballots, hopefully in the second half of October.

And there is no better option. Many polling places in disadvantaged and minority neighborhoods are closed or moved to inaccessible locations. Poll workers aren’t willing to turn up due to COVID-19. For that same reason, asking voters to line up in public polling places is indefensible. Call to action

For more information, visit Sitelines for state-by-state reports and recommendations or fivethirtyeight.com for a recap of this year’s primaries.


VBM Early
We want a steady curve, not a last-minute peak
The bottom line is this: VBM will work because volunteers like you are rising to the occasion. We’ve been helping voters request VBM ballots since July. And we’re following up so voters will submit their ballots as soon as they get them.

This tactic spreads out the work across several months as shown in thesteady blue curve above. As a result, post offices and election boards can handle the workflow at a steady rate.

By reminding voters to ask for ballots now, we avert the unnecessary crisis of too-little, too-late. As the pink peak above shows, the longer people wait to request and submit ballots, the fewer votes get counted. Call to action

In this environment, Better Late Than Never does not apply.
Support VBM Call to action
We are part of a nationwide effort. Read on to learn how election boards and activists in Super States are vigorously avoiding potential pitfalls.


VBM is critical to a Democratic win in Maine. A large percentage of Maine residents are older, and these are the people who staff the polls. Due to concerns about COVID-19, fewer are volunteering, which limits the number of polling places … and the number of people willing to vote in person.

A Swing Left Maine letter writing campaign in late August/early September will ask all Dems to request VBM ballots. The group will follow up with a Chase and Cure effort that includes chasing — with follow-up calls and texts — and curing — helping voters reconcile VBM issues to make sure the ballots are correct and thus counted. Call to action

Start early!
We have the names of almost 8,000 proven Dems who have moved to
Maine and not yet registered to vote in their new home state.
Let’s start writing to get them registered and enrolled in VBM.

It’s so easy that you can do it on your own, any day/any time.
First register. Then confirm your registration to get all the details.


Pennsylvania has been rated a C-minus in preparedness for the upcoming election. For the next month, it’s critical for us to flatten the absentee ballot request curve in Pennsylvania. That means getting voters to request absentee ballots and then return them as soon as possible. Call to action

Host a Pennsylvania Vote by Mail letter-writing event. We’ll send you instructions for printing the letters and addresses, making it a snap to for you to create packets of supplies. All your friends have to to is personalize and address the letters.

Host a Letters-to-Go Event


According to the terms of a settlement last month, Florida’s Secretary of State will encourage local officials to use drop boxes to collect the ballots. The state will also offer Spanish language VBM ballot requests and initiate a public information campaign about different ways to register voters and cast ballots.

Call to action

Attend the August 19 Florida VBM presentation
with special guests from the Florida Democratic Party.

Find a Florida VBM Event


In the Milwaukee primaries, only 5 of 180 polling places were open due to poll workers’ concerns about COVID-19. This led to incredibly long lines and wait times in many locations.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is addressing this issue head on. The organization is recruiting volunteers to help people with the burdensome process of applying for absentee/VBM ballots. The challenges will be widespread: The Wisconsin Republican Party has created a myriad of barriers to VBM, including requirements for Photo IDs and witness signatures. call to action

Join the MA Wisconsin Bridge-Building Phone Bank
Sundays @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm


MI Voters Need to Turn in Absentee Ballots
The Michigan primary was on August 4. Sadly, just four days earlier, only 58% of Michigan voters with a VBM ballot had returned them. For the general election in November, the remedy is simple: Make sure that voters return their ballots early.

The answer to this problem is a question! Research shows the most effective ways to get people to cast ballots is for people to talk to folks they know and simply ask, “Did you vote?”

You yourself may not know many voters in Michigan, but you probably have a few friends, family members, or colleagues who live there. You can make a difference by encouraging them to get involved.

Explain to your friends that asking a single question can turn the state blue. Trump won Michigan by 0.23%. That’s the equivalent of 2 votes per precinct! Call to action

BallotPower.org and WAVE Michigan
make it easy for you to reach out to your Michigander peeps
and make sure they vote.
Learn more.


Protect the Vote
Voter protection is the flip side of VBM. You can’t do either well without the other.
If you want to make sure every vote counts, “come” to Swing Blue Alliance’s Voter Protection Information Sessions. You’ll hear from Democratic Party leaders in Florida, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and find out what you can do to get involved.
Call to action

Voter Protection Information Session
Monday, August 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Call to action
Fight Voter Suppression In Wisconsin

Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm

Resistance BootCamp 2020: Be a Voter Protection Guardian
Tuesday, August 18 @ 6:00 pm

If you’re a Maine resident, become a poll worker. Learn more.
If you don’t live in Maine, you can still staff the state’s voter protection hotline or be a poll watcher. Learn more.

Join us on Social Media!

VBM video on facebook
Facebook Twitter Instagram


Upcoming Super State Strategy Meetings

Get the latest on happenings in…
, Wednesday, August 12 @ 5:15 pm
FLORIDA, Wednesday, August 19 @ 5:30 pm


Don’t Throw Out the Baby
with the Bathwater

VBM: Don't throw out the baby with the bath water
You may have heard a murmur of concern about the efficacy and security of vote by mail (VBM). Make no mistake. VBM is the best strategy for safe and secure elections. And for Democratic wins at all levels.

Across the country, states are adopting, facilitating, and preparing for a VBM election. Even the Republican Party is getting on the bandwagon now that they see that discouraging VBM equals discouraged turnout.

Grassroots volunteers and organizations are mailing and calling likely Democratic voters to make sure they request ballots as soon as possible. The groups will “chase” these requests with reminders and other follow-up actions, all the way until voters return their ballots, hopefully in the second half of October.

And there is no better option. Many polling places in disadvantaged and minority neighborhoods are closed or moved to inaccessible locations. Poll workers aren’t willing to turn up due to COVID-19. For that same reason, asking voters to line up in public polling places is indefensible. Call to action

For more information, visit Sitelines for state-by-state reports and recommendations or fivethirtyeight.com for a recap of this year’s primaries.


VBM Early
We want a steady curve, not a last-minute peak
The bottom line is this: VBM will work because volunteers like you are rising to the occasion. We’ve been helping voters request VBM ballots since July. And we’re following up so voters will submit their ballots as soon as they get them.

This tactic spreads out the work across several months as shown in thesteady blue curve above. As a result, post offices and election boards can handle the workflow at a steady rate.

By reminding voters to ask for ballots now, we avert the unnecessary crisis of too-little, too-late. As the pink peak above shows, the longer people wait to request and submit ballots, the fewer votes get counted. Call to action

In this environment, Better Late Than Never does not apply.
Support VBM Call to action
We are part of a nationwide effort. Read on to learn how election boards and activists in Super States are vigorously avoiding potential pitfalls.


VBM is critical to a Democratic win in Maine. A large percentage of Maine residents are older, and these are the people who staff the polls. Due to concerns about COVID-19, fewer are volunteering, which limits the number of polling places … and the number of people willing to vote in person.

A Swing Left Maine letter writing campaign in late August/early September will ask all Dems to request VBM ballots. The group will follow up with a Chase and Cure effort that includes chasing — with follow-up calls and texts — and curing — helping voters reconcile VBM issues to make sure the ballots are correct and thus counted. Call to action

Start early!
We have the names of almost 8,000 proven Dems who have moved to
Maine and not yet registered to vote in their new home state.
Let’s start writing to get them registered and enrolled in VBM.

It’s so easy that you can do it on your own, any day/any time.
First register. Then confirm your registration to get all the details.


Pennsylvania has been rated a C-minus in preparedness for the upcoming election. For the next month, it’s critical for us to flatten the absentee ballot request curve in Pennsylvania. That means getting voters to request absentee ballots and then return them as soon as possible. Call to action

Host a Pennsylvania Vote by Mail letter-writing event. We’ll send you instructions for printing the letters and addresses, making it a snap to for you to create packets of supplies. All your friends have to to is personalize and address the letters.

Host a Letters-to-Go Event


According to the terms of a settlement last month, Florida’s Secretary of State will encourage local officials to use drop boxes to collect the ballots. The state will also offer Spanish language VBM ballot requests and initiate a public information campaign about different ways to register voters and cast ballots.

Call to action

Attend the August 19 Florida VBM presentation
with special guests from the Florida Democratic Party.

Find a Florida VBM Event


In the Milwaukee primaries, only 5 of 180 polling places were open due to poll workers’ concerns about COVID-19. This led to incredibly long lines and wait times in many locations.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is addressing this issue head on. The organization is recruiting volunteers to help people with the burdensome process of applying for absentee/VBM ballots. The challenges will be widespread: The Wisconsin Republican Party has created a myriad of barriers to VBM, including requirements for Photo IDs and witness signatures. call to action

Join the MA Wisconsin Bridge-Building Phone Bank
Sundays @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm


MI Voters Need to Turn in Absentee Ballots
The Michigan primary was on August 4. Sadly, just four days earlier, only 58% of Michigan voters with a VBM ballot had returned them. For the general election in November, the remedy is simple: Make sure that voters return their ballots early.

The answer to this problem is a question! Research shows the most effective ways to get people to cast ballots is for people to talk to folks they know and simply ask, “Did you vote?”

You yourself may not know many voters in Michigan, but you probably have a few friends, family members, or colleagues who live there. You can make a difference by encouraging them to get involved.

Explain to your friends that asking a single question can turn the state blue. Trump won Michigan by 0.23%. That’s the equivalent of 2 votes per precinct! Call to action

BallotPower.org and WAVE Michigan
make it easy for you to reach out to your Michigander peeps
and make sure they vote.
Learn more.


Protect the Vote
Voter protection is the flip side of VBM. You can’t do either well without the other.
If you want to make sure every vote counts, “come” to Swing Blue Alliance’s Voter Protection Information Sessions. You’ll hear from Democratic Party leaders in Florida, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and find out what you can do to get involved.
Call to action

Voter Protection Information Session
Monday, August 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Call to action
Fight Voter Suppression In Wisconsin

Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm

Resistance BootCamp 2020: Be a Voter Protection Guardian
Tuesday, August 18 @ 6:00 pm

If you’re a Maine resident, become a poll worker. Learn more.
If you don’t live in Maine, you can still staff the state’s voter protection hotline or be a poll watcher. Learn more.

Join us on Social Media!

VBM video on facebook
Facebook Twitter Instagram