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August 28th Newsletter

Posted on August 28, 2020


Michigan Swing Blue Michigan Volunteer Monthly Meeting

Monday, August 31 @ 5:30 pm

MA for Maine Strategy Briefing

Tuesday, September 1 @ 5:30 pm

Pennsylvania Strategy Briefing Call

Monday, September 7 @ 5:30 pm


The Incredible Impact of VBM Postcards

The USPS cannot stop the election

As we enter the final 10 weeks before the election, there’s a decreasing window to reach out to voters. Regardless of what you may believe about problems with the U.S. Postal Service, two things are clear:

  • People who register to vote by mail (VBM) are the most engaged voters of any group; they cast ballots 80 to 90 percent of the time. That’s an absolutely amazing number!
  • If you want to create committed voters — even if they end up voting at a drop box or in person — VBM postcards and letters are on the critical path.

Call to action

Let’s avoid swamping the mail and elections offices with last-minute applications and ballots. None of us want to think we could have acted sooner or done more.

Postcard pick-up anytime


Concord Center

Sudbury (email Barbara)

Lincoln — Spanish language (email Jessica)

There are lots more on the new

Vote by Mail Postcard Calendar


Glassbury FL VBM team

Celebrating completion of 10,000 VBM postcards

Florida has been won and lost by razor-thin margins. Democratic turnout will be critical in deciding the winner of Florida’s 29 electoral votes, which could determine the outcome for the nation once again.

FL voters who choose to vote by mail (VBM) participate at far higher rates than voters choosing to vote in person. Last week’s primary showed that many voters actually prefer to vote by mail.
Call to action

Pick up your pen and/or phone!

Host a postcard-to-go distribution event

When you host an event, you give your friends an opportunity to
make a meaningful difference. For our current campaign, you and your friends will send VBM applications to infrequent voters. Postcards are available in English, Haitian Creole, and Spanish.

Find out how easy it is to host a postcard-to-go distribution here.

Call to action

Follow up the postcards at a phone bank

We check in with voters who have received VBM application, responding to their questions and encouraging them to send in their ballot requests.

Find an English language phone bank.

We’re starting up phone banks in Spanish and Haitian Creole.

Learn how your language skills can put Biden in the White House.

The Final Eight Weeks Phone Bank Captains Meeting
Join SLGB for a 30-Minute Sprint
Are you a seasoned event host, canvasser, phone bank captain? Can you see yourself supporting and encouraging other volunteers but don’t have the experience? Do you want to have the biggest impact you can on this November’s election?

Come to Final-Stretch Strategy Meeting on Wednesday, September 2 @ 5:30 pm. In just 30 minutes, you’ll get prepped for the last sprint — the final eight weeks — of the 2020 campaign.

Our plan is to get you up to speed before we begin recruiting phone bank participants.

Call to action

Get the knowledge and tools you need to
take on phone banks with confidence at the

Final-Stretch Strategy: The Last 8 Weeks

Wednesday, September 2@ 5:30 pm


Ann Smith quote

Voter Protection is vital to a Democratic win in November. Republicans are trying every trick in the voter suppression handbook. Our efforts to educate voters and protect ballot access until Election Day pave the road to victory, and you can help.

Call to action


Do you want to ensure that all eligible Pennsylvanians can safely cast a ballot in the manner that works best for them? If so, volunteer to assist and educate voters. You can also recruit people across PA to observe and staff polling places on Election Day.

Voter Protection Phone Bank for PA

Monday, August 31 @ 5:30 pm

Call to action


It’s actually fun to call committed Democrats who have previously volunteered with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. We’re recruiting them to do Voter Protection work. In our experience people are grateful, and thank you for calling.

Fight Voter Suppression in Wisconsin Phone Bank

Every Wednesday @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Every Saturday @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


A Coordinated Campaign

Neal Plotkin

Swing Left Greater Boston has a two-pronged approach to flipping Wisconsin Blue up and down the ballot. One prong is to support Neal Plotkin, candidate for State Senate in SD-8, one of the most important swing districts in the state. The other is to make connections with Wisconsin Dems.

Wisconsin SD-8 Kickoff

A win for Neal Plotkin in Wisconsin’s SD-8 is crucial to blocking a Republican supermajority in the state legislature. Plus, it sets the stage for dismantling the state’s gerrymandered districts.

At the kickoff, we’ll hear directly from Neal about his campaign, and there will be plenty of time for Q&A. In the second half of the evening, we’ll dive right into calling Wisconsin voters. You’ll be glad to hear that all calls on behalf of Neal are part of the Wisconsin Dems coordinated campaign; they directly support Biden’s campaign for the Presidency.
Call to action

Join the Wisconsin SD-8 Kickoff Event

Monday, August 31 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Call to action

Pick your battle

Wisconsin Coordinated Campaign Phone Bank

Every Sunday @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Every Thursday @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Upcoming WI phone banks offer two ways to support the Dems.

  • Option 1: In
    Bridge-Building Calls
    , you can ask voters what issues they care most about and which candidates they support. You’ll also be able to give voters info on how to volunteer and request absentee ballots.
  • Option 2: The
    Calls for a WI State Senate Candidate

    campaign starts on September 3. We’ll start with calls to support Neal Plotkin (SD-8).

No experience necessary! All you need is a computer, a phone, and the internet.


Put Your Message on Trump’s Doorstep

Handmade Y'ART Signs

Get your artistic juices flowing because we have a humdinger of a campaign for you.

We’ve already installed over 100 Y ’ART signs up for Claudette Williams in PA. Now, we’re moving south to Florida. Not just anywhere in Florida, though. We’re moving right into FL HD-88, where Donald and Melania Trump live and vote.

This is your chance to tell the President directly who and what you support. Trump and his family will see the signs you create for Jim Bonfiglio, candidate for Florida HD-89. Jim — a passionate environmentalist, feminist, and ally to LGBTQ community — wants to place as many creative signs as we can deliver.

On Sunday, September 6, we’re running a double whammy campaign. We’re writing postcards that will go into Trump’s mailbox and creating signs that will go up on his street.

Look for dates and times next week!

Sample postcards to Trump and his neighbors


Let’s Make Sure “America’s Left Hand” Goes Left

“America's Left Hand” Goes Left

StateWide Indivisible Michigan and Rust Belt Rising have identified unregistered, likely Dem Michiganders — mostly voters of color, younger voters, and female voters. The organizations have a great plan to get ’em registered to vote. The program has a proven track record, with 30% conversion rates in other states.

This high-return, five-week initiative starts with a traceable mailing followed by a phone “chase.” Together, we’re making easy calls, following up on the voter registration applications people have received.
Call to action

Michigan Virtual Voter Registration

Every Saturday @ 11:00 am
Every Tuesday @ 6:00 pm
Every Thursday @ 6:00 pm

Call to action

Phone banking for Julia Pulver (MI HD-39)

Sunday, August 30 @ 4:00 pm
Call to action

Whenever-You-Want DIY Movie Night with GOTV Letter Writing

Grab your favorite beverage, print 20 GOTV (get out the vote) letters for Michigan, and queue up one of our recommended documentaries and films set in Michigan.


Racial Justice

Diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant Jordyne Blaise is leading a workshop on anti-racism and implicit bias. The session will focus on the foundations of privilege and power, as well as how we integrate equality and intention into the electoral organizing work we do.

Anti-racism and Implicit Bias Workshop

Sunday, Aug 30 @ 7:00 pm

Other racial justice resources

Relational Organizing
Get the latest news on the state of the race and Swing Left strategy/tactics. Make your personal activism plan. Include your friends and family in the effort to turn the country Blue.

Election 2020 Virtual Activism & Who Do You Know? Workshop

The next two sessions are Thursday September 10 @ 5:00 pm and Sunday September 20 @ 4:00 pm.


Flip the Senate


