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April 25th newsletter

Posted on April 24, 2020

State by State Calendar



Cal Cunningham for NC Senate
“Meet” Cal — he’s key to flipping the U.S. Senate
Cal Cunningham, Democrat for NC Senate
Cal Cunningham is currently running for the U.S. Senate, a seat that’s critical to restoring a Democratic majority in 2020. He’s already served as NC State Senator, where he advocated for investment in education, clean air legislation, land preservation, and campaign finance reform … until his district was gerrymandered into three districts.

Cal’s campaign focuses on lower cost/accessible healthcare, economic opportunity, and improvements to education at all levels, as well as women’s rights and stopping gun violence.

“Meet” Cal “in person” on Sunday, April 26
you’ll be able to pick one of two sessions:
Sunday, April 26 @ 3:00 pm
Sunday, April 26 @ 5:00 pm

To receive an invitation,
click here and donate as much as you can or as little as $1.

Feel free to pass this info on to anyone you know
who is interested in turning the Senate Democratic again.


This week's Super States: ME, MI, and FL

A round up of what’s going on in swing states across the country
Susan Collins on COVID-19Watch this controversial advertisement panning Susan Collins
Get on board: Write, call, text, or get training to turn Maine (and the U.S. Senate) blue.

Turn Michigan Blue Grab your favorite blue wave cocktail/mocktail or a cup of quarantea and settle in to chat, watch a Michigan documentary or film set in Michigan, and then write letters. Here’s how:
Attend the first production of the Socially Distanced Virtual Theater — Flint: Poisoning of an American City — on Thursday April 30 @ 6:30 pm.

Join Michigan Mondays! Virtual Phone Bank for Michigan every Monday at 5:30. You’ll learn more about Swing Left’s 2020 strategy, find out how you can be a part of defeating Trump and his allies, meet other activists, and get canvassing over the phone (virtually, of course!).

Turn Florida Blue
As the country’s largest swing state, Florida is a huge milestone on the critical path to beating Trump. Volunteers across Massachusetts are writing to Floridians, urging them to register for vote by mail.

Take Back Florida from Your Own Living Room is a far-reaching campaign that makes it significantly more likely that voters will cast their ballots. Find a postcard pick-up spot near you.

Here’s a full list of upcoming Florida events.
Did You Know Photo
Nonvoters may be your friends, co-workers, and relatives
Who Are These People Who Don’t Vote?
This is the first in a series exploring the world of nonvoters: who they are, why they don’t vote, and what we can do to change that.

The US has the lowest voter turnout of the world’s mature democracies. Four in ten eligible voters in the US didn’t vote in 2016. That’s over 100 million Americans. Who are these people?

Some nonvoters are deeply alienated. They believe that that the system has “screwed them over” and that their vote will have no effect. This population will be the most difficult to motivate.

There is another group that is simply disengaged. Often, these citizens have low levels of income and education. Many are minorities, many are 18-29. In general, these nonvoters don’t like confrontation and feel they have no control. They’re less likely to follow the news … most are discouraged by the effort required to evaluate discrepancies among social media and formal news.

The good news
Among the disengaged is a large group of “passive liberals.” These nonvoters are more likely to vote Democrat, if only they would vote. If we can get this contingent to participate in the electoral process, Trump doesn’t stand a chance.

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