June 11, 2018 Newsletter
Swing Left Maine: News Digest
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April 18 Newsletter

Posted on April 17, 2020

Check out the New Together for 2020 Calendar

Swing Left Greater Boston’s calendar is now available on the Together for 2020 site and incorporates a wider array of events. Read more about the new Together for 2020 collaboration below.

Together for 2020 calendar
Senator Elizabeth Warren announces launch of Together for 2020
Together we can do anything!
Together for 2020 Launches a Blue Wave in Massachusetts
If you were one of the 770 Massachusetts people who joined the Together for 2020 kickoff call with Elizabeth Warren, perhaps you will look back on this moment and think: “I was there when the Blue tide turned in Massachusetts.”

Senator Warren framed the challenge and the opportunity to defeat Trump and take back our democracy. Now it’s up to us to make it happen: Can you give us your head and your heart in this struggle of a lifetime?

Together for 2020 will make it easier for you to support great candidates and make it easier for people to vote, ushering in a resounding victory for democracy in November.

Learn more here about Together for 2020, how it came to be and what it offers to volunteers.

Visit the
Together for 2020 website and
see what collaboration can do for the country.

Republicans in Wisconsin could not stop us
Republicans tried to suppress voters, but the Democrat still won.
What We’re Doing Really Works!
Wisconsin Republicans gerrymandered the state and then forced immediate in-person voting on April 12 — in the midst of a pandemic. They did everything they could to insert their candidates unopposed.

HOWEVER, you sent 65,000 letters and postcards, made 60,000 phone calls, texted countless voters, and knocked on doors until Covid-19 made it impossible. You accomplished all this to make sure individuals registered, asked for vote-by-mail ballots, and went to vote.

And then Democratic voters across the state showed their courage and determination by going to the polls. In Milwaukee alone, 50,000 more voters cast ballots than in the last Supreme Court election in 2019.

Thanks to all these efforts, we’re pleased, even amazed, to report that — with a double-digit margin — DEMOCRAT JUDGE JILL KAROFSKY SOUNDLY DEFEATED her ultra-conservative opponent for the Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Democratic candidates across the country. will face these same voter suppression tactics. Nevertheless, Swing Left volunteers like you will overcome those underhanded maneuvers by fighting for progressive candidates up and down the ballot.

This newsletter is full of opportunities to take up the fight. Read on and volunteer, knowing that What We’re Doing Really Works!


This week's super states
So many places to start!
State by State Opportunities to
Do What Really Works
Here is a sampling of  events going on for selected swing states.
To see all events for a state, go to the Together for 2020 website, click Campaign State in the menu, and select the state you want to flip.


URGENT! Ohio’s Primary Election has been postponed to April 28, and the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Monday, April 20. Start making calls today.

(That same link also let’s you sign up through April 28 to make sure citizens know how they can make their voices heard this election season!)


Join these remote phone banking sessions almost any day of the week. Talk with Democrats about their right to vote and how they can register to Vote by Mail in Sarasota County.


Don’t let Pennsylvania repeat its ignominious vote for Trump. Stop that outcome by picking up Pennsylvania vote-by-mail postcards at any of these weekly pickup sites.

  • Somerville from 3-4 pm on Wednesdays. RSVP
  • Weston from 4-5 pm on Wednesdays. RSVP
  • Swampscott from 4-5 pm on Thursdays. RSVP
  • Cambridge from 3-4 pm on Saturdays RSVP
  • Boxford from 2-3 pm on Sundays. RSVP


There are three battles in Maine: defeat Susan Collins, protect Jared Golden’s D-2 seat in Congress, and put Biden in the White House. Take up arms in any of these ways:


A note from Lisa Plato, Swing Left Greater Boston Michigan organizer:
As you navigate the Covid-19 world, you may have taken a break from activism. When you’re ready, come back, join any of these opportunities to flip Michigan blue.

Keep your social distance —
order postcard stamps online!

We want your super power
Put your super powers to work for the Dems
Right Up Your Alley
Do you have a special skill or interest and want to put Democrats in the White House, Congress, and State Legislatures? Then we have the spot for you.

The Sarasota County Democratic party needs a graphic designer / illustrator / or someone with artistic experience for social media.

The Maine Dems need help with graphics.

Together for 2020 is looking for someone with Slack experience to design a new user welcome process.

Ability to lead and support volunteers, esp. with phone bank tools
Swing Left Greater Boston is looking for a volunteer to lead phone banks.

Legal skills
The Maine Dems are looking for attorneys or others with legal skills to join their voter protection program.

Online research and writing
The Swing Left Greater Boston newsletter is looking or info junkies and editors to write articles.

If any of the following describe you, think about being a Swing Left Greater Boston Super Volunteer. Tell us what you bring to the table, and a Swing Lefter will call you back to chat about options.
Michelle Obama's Couch Party
Go to the Swing Left Boston Facebook page to learn more about this April 20 event.
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