June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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What are Your Activist New Year Resolutions?

Posted on January 1, 2019

What are your activist new year resolutions?

I know, I know—a lot of us did not call ourselves activists a couple years ago!

I admit, I am enjoying getting back to some regular routines and normal life. At the same time, I am trying to get my head around preparing for #bluewave2020 and to #takebackallthehouses.

As Swing Left Greater Boston gears up for the countdown to 2020, here are some items this gal has on her to do list.

Start a Regular Neighborhood Postcard Party

I live in a diverse neighborhood of students, young professionals, lifers, and middle aged folks like myself. I would like to use the postcard parties as a Swing Left Greater Boston recruitment tool, and to get to know this new batch of neighbors. Maybe even make it a potluck?

Want to check out other postcard parties first? Sister District MA/RI is off to a strong start in 2019! Connect with the MA/RI team, and see their event calendar.

Postcards to Voters is also working on Campaign 140: Jennifer Boysko for State Senate Special Election 1/8/2019. Learn more here.

Check out our postcard writing page for more information on how to get connected with postcard groups and host your own event.

Organize Contacts from my Personal Network

I know, I know, I should have done this before the midterms. Honestly, I ran out of time to fix the disconnect between my Google and Apple contacts and MailChimp, and tag everyone. I also met a lot of new folks in the last six months. This will help me easily recruit friends and colleagues—’cause they are not getting off the hook this time!

Improve My Social Media Skills

I get by on social media land, but as we enter the countdown to 2020, it is time to kick it up a notch. There is a lot of great material online, but I am going to start with Facebook, Twitter, and maybe some other software training on Lynda by LinkedIn.

Did you know most local libraries have free home and in-library access to Lynda? Look for Lynda in the digital resource in the library catalog, or ask a reference librarian.

Improve My Action Network Skills

Action Network is such a powerful tool—and it is time for me to learn more.

Did you know Action Network has some great webinars? There are also a ton of easy how-tos (check the bottom right corner) and a great help section, with videos.

Sign up for Action Network 102: Sending Your First Email 1/17 and Email Deliverability 1/31.

Listen to Swing Left Academy Videos

Swing Left Academy Training videos include canvassing 101, phone banking 101, recruitment, and more. There is also a great lecture series by veterans of the Obama, Clinton, and Sanders presidential campaigns, plus leaders of grassroots groups like Change.org and MoveOn. Again, I ran out of time in 2018 to take it all in!

Looking for More Resources?

Want to find more resources for your own activist new years resources? Check out our newly organized resource page, including a whole section on training.