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October 17th Roundup Recap

Posted on October 20, 2021

Here’s some of the feedback we received from the 80 folks who joined the first Swing Blue Alliance All-Volunteer Roundup with special guest Luisa Boyarski:

  • great event with exactly the information I need to decide where to place my volunteer energy.
  • great music, photos, slides……excellent selection of focused important actions and luisa boyarski is stunning! thank you ever so much for putting this together and lighting a fire under us!
  • I am concerned about voting rights and more importantly losing the majority in House and Senate. I thought Dr. Boyarski laid out the concerns in Virginia very well. I intend to reach out tomorrow to support the effort there.
  • Very informative, motivational and monthly is a good frequency for these team meetings.
  • very inspiring. did a good job of helping us all believe that we can make a difference. and also showing how high the stakes are.

Please visit our YouTube site for the recording of the event. A copy of the slide deck is available on request.

A huge thank you to Jamie French, the slide deck artist who created and ran the slides for the meeting, Julia Dunlea for the creatives, and Julia Thompson-Philbrook for the Spotify playlist.  We are also grateful to Luisa Boyarski, who took to time to speak to us at this pivotal moment in Virginia’s history.

Thank you to those who contributed links for additional information in the chat. They have been incorporated into these pages on SwingBlueAlliance.org.

Campaign Name Presenter Contact Info
Freedom to Vote Act Richard Segan FreedomToVote@gmail.com
New Hampshire Paula Joseph Paula.Joseph@swingbluealliance.org
Volunteers TBD Jeffrey Lobo Jeffrey.Lobo@swingbluealliance.org
Virginia Luisa Boyarski luisaboyarski@gmail.com

We are glad to see so many volunteers taking action. Our theme for tonight was: Welcome Back to the Fight!

Please take a moment to sign up for the next Roundup on November 21, 2022 at 5pm ET. Let’s all do our best to help our country move into a better place by then.

Susan Labandibar, Richard Segan, Paula Joseph and Jeff Lobo.

Swing Blue Alliance Campaign Leaders