Why would Indivisible-MA and Swing Left both want me – a busy activist who is already inundated with emails — to join YET ANOTHER communication platform?
To answer that question, let’s turn to Caroline Kerrigan, who just joined both the Swing Left and the Indivisible-MA Slacks. In response to her Slack invitation, she wrote:
“Thank you! Slack is an email-inbox saver. I’m a huge fan.”
As activists, we’re working together and sharing information – A LOT. The weight of all that information can be overkill for anyone’s inbox.
By moving your activist conversations to Slack, you not only save your inbox, but also the inboxes of your compatriots, colleagues and co-organizers. Check out this brief summary of the Slack platform or just sign up for the Swing Left Slack, the Indivisible-MA Slack (or both.)