June 11, 2018 Newsletter
URGENT: Help the Center for Common Ground Call Georgia Voters to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills
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Google Drive System Volunteer

Posted on March 1, 2021

Swing Left Greater Boston (SLGB) is looking for someone to develop a file system for electoral activism using free tools.

Description: As the largest grassroots organization of its kind in New England, Swing Left Greater Boston (SLGB) must develop an inclusive but secure file system. In 2020, SLGB volunteers took 4.7 million actions to swing the elections in 7 states. (For more info, see SLGB’s data stories.) As an all volunteer organization, we use the free version of Google Drive to share data, some of which contains personal information. We are in need of a secure file structure that makes it easy to pull out the items with long-term, historical and informational value—and easy to delete the transitory items.

Context: Over the last four years there has been a surge in grassroots activism. Information sharing, protecting personal information and an appropriate retention scheme are critical for the long-term success of grassroots groups, many of whom have no bank account and no separate legal existence apart from their volunteers.

Requirements:  If you have the experience to design a secure, volunteer-accessible system to house files, we would welcome your expertise. This volunteer project can work well for a volunteer with limited time availability – 2-3 hours per week for the next few months.  Please contact susan@swingleftboston.org for more information.