June 11, 2018 Newsletter
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Engage Voters with Handwritten Postcards

Posted on March 16, 2019

Postcard parties are a great way to engage volunteers and build community.

This week, Swing Left Greater Boston salutes Indivisible-RISE in Newburyport, where a group of dedicated volunteers hosts the Boston area’s longest-running weekly postcard-writing event. Studies show that highly personal appeals, such as handwritten postcards, can have an impact on turnout. With just a few weeks to go before several important special elections, now’s the time to host a postcard party.

It’s true! A postcard party can be effective and hassle-free.

i-rise newburyport logoWhat does it take to be a postcard-writing leader, making an impact on voter turnout and political change?

Boyd Hancock and Robin Lawson with I-RISE Newburyport are making it easy for volunteers to generate between 250 and 500 handwritten postcards a week from the comfort of Commune Café in Newburyport. Both women agree that you need a commitment to meet regularly; access to a public venue with tables (church, coffee shop, community center, etc.); a core group of like-minded organizers; and a welcoming spirit.

Read more about how I-RISE Newburyport got there

Invite your friends and meet new activists by hosting a postcard party at your home or other venue. Get started the easy way with Swing Left Greater Boston’s postcard party to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

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